I love the Lord with all my heart. He is my Father, my Alpha and Omega, my Jehova Jireh, my Savior, and the absolute love of my life.I love my husband more than any other person in this entire world. He is my love, the priest of our house, my mentor, my protector, my security... He's my everything!My passion is to see the youth of this generation saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. The Lord has empowered me to get busy preaching and teaching the Word to them... and nothing will stop me.
Jesus Christ face to face. I can't wait for that day to come! I would also like to meet all of my friends up here on myspace... you all are such an inspiration to me.View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Go to www.itunes.com to buy Speedy Gunna's new single "Funny Situation"
I must say that my favorite musician is Jason... my husband. I love the way his fingers glide over the piano keys. It's music to my soul!I am totally feeling Speedy Gunna's "Funny Situation" right now. It is my favoritest song. You can cop it at itunes.comI am really geeked on Rick Pino right now. He has an album that you can also cop on itunes called Weapons of Warfare... it is incredible!
My all time favorite movies are Sister Act II and the Preacher's Wife. I'm such a girl!! I also like any dancing movies like Step Up and Take the Lead. I just watched Catch Me If You Can - AWESOME MOVIE!
I don't watch tv hardly ever... but some of my most favorite shows, of all times are: The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Friend's, Will and Grace, and of course pretty much any reality show.
I just finished the Bible in January, and I'm headed back through it again. As of today, November 14, 2007, I just finished Song of Songs today and will be starting I Isaiah tomorrow. Jason and I are also reading the New Testament together at night. We are currently reading Romans.Man... what good stuff there is in the Bible. I challenge everyone to really get into it... don't just read it... study it and apply it to your life. You will never know the impact it can have in your life until you study it!
First and foremost - Jesus Christ. What other person would die on a cross to save me from eternal damnation? He is my ultimate hero....Jason is totally my hero. He is the only person in this entire world that I can truly feel comfortable around to be completely transparent. He inspires me to get deeper in my Word... He encourages me to be better for Christ... He is my bestest friend in the entire world... He is my confidant and I am absolutely, head over heals in love with him!