Michele profile picture


Splash Mountain makes me. . .

About Me

A total dichotomy- fun loving/disciplined, control freak/easy going, music loving/silence needing, health nut/dessert lover, intellectual/ditzy, optimist/misanthrope, creative/analytical, luxury loving/snob rejecting, self-deprecating braggart and nontheist with a Protestant work ethic. They're HOLDING HANDS!!!

My Interests

Knitting, nature, travel, reading, chatting with friends, MahJong Connect, exercise, eating well, chocolate, sashimi, crab and cucumber salad, Qigong, self improvement, yoga, Cheerios, art history, and about a million other things.

I'd like to meet:

Dolly Parton, Sam Harris, Phil Keoghan, Janice Dickinson, Sara Ivanhoe, Amy Poehler, Brad Warner, Marlon Hill and "G.I." Joel Sherman (Scrabble champs).Tons-o-kitties
Kittens-Coca Cola Box - video powered by Metacafe


Wilco, Kings of Leon, Bowie, Otis Redding, the Kinks, the Who, Joy Division, Ben Folds Five, DQE, Flap, Pixies, a fir-ju well/Gringo Star, the Rattler, Subsonics, Anna Kramer, Joybang!, Toenut, Gold Sparkle Band, the Hepburns, the Butterflies, Booker T. & the MGs, the Glands, Elvis Costello, Eric Dolphy, the Stranglers, the Saints, the Damned, Shudder to Think, DEVO, Television, the Modern Lovers, Au Pairs, Gang of Four, Five-Eight. . .


Dead Man, Mystery Train, Down by Law, Lost in Translation, Punch-Drunk Love, Rushmore, Miller's Crossing, Raising Arizona, Home Movie, Highway 61, American Movie, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Buffalo '66, Saved!, the Station Agent, Word Wars, Bad Santa, Super Size Me, Sweet and Lowdown.


Rabbit ears and YouTube.


I'm reading right now- "The Human Experiment: Two Year and Twenty Minutes Inside Biosphere 2" by Jane Poynter


Thomas Paine, Margaret Sanger, Joseph Fry (invented the first chocolate bar), Julia Child, and Melvil Dewey.

My Blog

Not waiting for New Years ~ My current personal goals

1. Exercise six days per week (missed this one by a single day last week) 2. Sew a skirt 3. Finish knitting the baby blanket I started three years ago 4. Lose my inhibitions long enough to dance to a ...
Posted by Michele on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:23:00 PST

Random shizzle

We were almost home from work last month when something large swooped down and hit the top of the windshield. Jeff let me out to get the mail and I ran back to see what we'd hit. Poor little Eastern R...
Posted by Michele on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:47:00 PST

3 word answers- another from Natalie

You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less. It's harder than you think. 1. Where is your cell phone? Inside my purse.2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby? Smart, talented, kind.3....
Posted by Michele on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:36:00 PST

Survey from little Nat

1. To whom did you last give the finger?: I'm constantly giving people the finger in the car and they always deserve it. 2. If you had 1,000 dollars what would you buy? Direct flights to Lima, Peru. ...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:03:00 PST

An urban legend that needs to DIE- Al Gore and the Internet

http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0009/m sg00311.html [Originally To: Declan McCullaugh , farber {AT} cis.upenn.eduCc: rkahn {AT} cnri.reston.va.us]Dave and Declan,I am taking the l...
Posted by Michele on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 09:09:00 PST

Poem "Thirty-six" by Janice Erlbaum

Currently reading this gals' book and found a poem she wrote on the Internets- Love it. Thirty-six I'm thirty-six years old today.I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.And this year promises t...
Posted by Michele on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 11:59:00 PST

Sam Harris is going to hell with me (wink, wink)

http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/sam_harris/2007/0 8/the_sacrifice_of_reason.html The Sacrifice of Reason Humanity has had a long fascination with blood sacrifice. In fact, it has been by ...
Posted by Michele on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:09:00 PST

Sometimes my job is impossibly difficult. . .

When a masters degree-wielding coworker calls me on the phone asking "How do I log into the G: drive?" am I seriously expected to refrain from laughing into the receiver? Edited to add: In my flummoxe...
Posted by Michele on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST

Found this lovely blog post on Gadling- Read about "Atheist" countries and how much they rock

Least Religious Countries 08-23-2007When you travel to Europe , don't be surprised to find that many Europeans don't believe in God. I have even witnessed some alcohol-infused conversations between Am...
Posted by Michele on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:45:00 PST

Until I start actually writing again. . .7 Ways to Grow the Action Habit

http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/grow-the-action-habit/ 7 Ways to Grow the Action Habit by John Wesley ยท People at the top of every profession share one quality  they get things done. This ability...
Posted by Michele on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:05:00 PST