I hope you'll join my Yahoo Group!
To sign up simply send an email to:
[email protected]
Please Support The $1 Bill Campaign
To participate in this campaign just create your own picture and post it for your friends to view on MySpace.
If this is your first time visiting this page or your first time reading this, please click
here and send a email to these Missouri legislators. I simply wrote, "Please give same-sex marriages legal recognition." The goal is merely to remind politicians that we are still demanding equal rights. Please take 2 second to participate.
Add a Marriage Definition Banner to your profile!
A lot of people keep asking me about this picture of Rachel Powell, Raydra Hall and I getting arrested in Shreveport, Louisiana. Here is the video explanation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ZwThYwvXA
Sign Me Guestbook!
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Simple things you can do for the gay rights movements:
1. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper which supports marriage equality, ENDA, or ending the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. Politicians never read our emails or return our calls, but they do read the newspaper. Also, it sends some words of encouragement to fellow activists.
2. Keep yourself informed on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and Don't Ask Don't Tell so that you can talk intelligently about these issues that affect us all. LGBT-friendly politicians rely on us to inform them about our community. If we don't understand all the issues, how can we explain it to them?
3. Come out of the closet. Let family and friends know that we are part of the community and more common and normal than they may think.
4. Visit senate.gov and contact both your Senators. They may not read our emails, but their staff does tally them up and report which issues are of the greatest concerns to their constituents. Also, by producing hundreds of thousands of emails we demonstrate to politicians that we are just as politically active as our foes.
5. Support the Red Wednesday Campaign. Wear red on Wednesday if you support giving gay marriages legal recognition.
6. Financially support the organizations that support us. The best way to know if an organization is worth supporting is by how often and how viciously they are attacked by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Michael Savage). Organizations like Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union are two of our greatest allies.
7. Contact me and suggest what else I should add to this list!
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My Imaginary Friends:
That 300 Guy
Little Red X
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