Horse, aka Julie - Julie prides herself on her beadwork, flute-playing and little else. She enjoys drawing though refuses to call any of her pieces artwork (any use of the term was a "compromise" she made with Scott). She also calls herself a writer, taking utmost pleasure in torturing the masses with as many Mary-Sues as she can possibly conjure. The physical act of writing, itself-- putting pen to paper and creating beautiful, clean, well-composed words-- brings her great joy. She needs to have music on at all times or else she goes nutty- this can be anything from Classical music to Opera, to 80's to New Age, Country and worse. Julie is happily married to Scott and loves all their pets very deeply. It is alleged that she was even incredibly good in Mathematics many years back. Julie's secret wish is to become a famous actress.
Rabbit, aka Scott - Scott is lord and master of all things Disney. He enjoys web design, movie making ("What I really want to do. . . is DIRECT!"), composing music and doing the dishes. I mean, cooking. He's Julie's husband and takes pride in spoiling her whenever he can. Scott enjoys Star Wars, Star Trek, reading and all other sorts of geeky things-- except doing these bio paragraphs, himself. He's played trumpet for twenty-one years and piano for even longer. Nothing would bring him greater happiness than to be able to move into Disneyland and spend the rest of his natural life on property. And then, of course, after death, to haunt in Disneyland with brief excursions to haunt people like Paul Pressler and Michael Eisner. And he would probably destroy all PCs. Scott's secret wish is to have a single successful faire venture.