"Human and Vynyard" are two music-producers from Berlin and Magdeburg respectively:
Robby aka Vynyard&Daniel aka HumanThey've been producing music of many different genres since about fifteen years.In doing so the main attention is dedicated to electronic music.
The more activ one of the duo is Vynyard. He has the inclination to invest much of time and energy in their common project,due the fact that unfortunately, Human is often tied up with his academic studies.
Lately Vynyard is also producing Beats for DonOne, a very prestigious HipHop-producer from Berlin-Hellersdorf.We hope,we were able to provide you little insight into the biography of Human and Vynyard.
Feel free to visit this myspace as much as you can and,of course,rate the tracks!Enjoy their music!Human&Vynyard