O Witchhammer, carinhosamente chamado de Witch, foi fundado em 1986, hibernou durante alguns perÃodos dos anos noventa e retomou a estrada em 2003 para, mais uma vez, não deixar pedra sobre pedra. A banda, que mantém praticamente a formação original, sempre se caracterizou pelo grande entrosamento com seu público, proporcionando apresentações inesquecÃveis em Minas Gerais e em todo o Brasil. Um traço marcante do Witch sempre foi o fato de desafiar limites musicais, enfrentando as barreiras de se transitar em diversos estilos e fazendo metal dos mais pesados e sinceros.
Além de Teddy, Casito e Paulo Caetano (da formação original), a banda conta também com o guitarrista Rogério Sena (ex Refen, Hellraiser), que entrou para a famÃlia Witch após a saÃda de Vermelho (Igor Farah).
Agora, com seu novo CD pela Cogumelo, Ode to Death (2006), o Witchhammer espera rever os amigos e tocar em todos os estados do Brasil, trazendo em seu repertório as músicas do novo CD e dos álbuns anteriores, que servem para ilustrar bem, não só a história do Witch, mas também do metal mineiro, do qual a banda se orgulha fazer parte.
A bruxa está solta novamente!!!
Witchhammer, also known as Witch, was founded in 1986, hibernated during some periods of the 90's, and was back on the road in 2003 to, once again, crack the structures. The band, which almost keeps its original line-up, has always been characterized by its capacity to interact with the bangers, providing unforgettable concerts across the country. Musically, a remarkable trait of Witchhammer's is the ability to cross boundaries, challenging its ensuing obstacles and producing metal of the heaviest lineage.
Despite some years of inactivity, the band had never ceased to exist as an ideal and its return had only been waiting for favorable conditions to take place. All of the band members had been fully involved in other musical projects, such as Fluid and Freak (Casito), Refen (Teddy) and Myfault (Paulo Caetano), and kept alive the revolutionary flame of indignation against the degrading neo-liberal capitalist civilization. Besides Teddy, Casito and Paulo Caetano (band founders), the old Witch received younger blood with the addition of guitarist Rogério Sena (former Refen, Hellraiser).
Now, with a new CD, Ode to Death (2006), once again by recording label Cogumelo, the band expects to see old friends and meet new ones on the road through all Brazilian states. In concerts, Witchhammer has been trying to play songs from all albums, illustrating in its set list not only the band's own history, but also the history of 'mineiro' metal, a movement which the band is proud of being a part of.
Beware, for the Witch is back on the road again!!!
Coletânea Warfare Noise II (Cogumelo, 1987)
LP The First and the Last (Cogumelo, 1988)
LP Mirror, my Mirror (Cogumelo, 1990)
LP Blood on the Rocks (Cogumelo, 1991)
CD Mirror, my Mirror (remix Cogumelo 2001)
CD Ode to Death (Cogumelo, 2006)
Paulo Caetano
Rua São Lázaro 707, Sagrada FamÃlia
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil
Cep: 31035-580
[email protected]