About Me
Cloris Rose was born to Lady Luna Rose, and Bobert of Crystal Lake. He existence was hidden from her father for almost a year before he came in search of what had happened. The story goes that Bobert had wanted a child, and his friend Priestess Twilight knew that Lady Luna would be open to the idea. So Bobert and Lady Luna spent the night together, and she promised Bobert a child by her. Almost two years passed from that date, and Bobert became worried as to why she had never sent word. He and Twilight made their way back to the House of Roses and Bobert talked to Lady Luna. She had been afraid that Bobert would not want the child, and this saddened Bobert. He knew he had to be a part of this child’s life, and from then on, they would take turns taking care of Cloris, but there was never any bad blood between the two parents. Bobert's life was to take place in Crystal Lake, and Lady Luna's was to take place in the House of Roses, neither could abandon their posts. Years passed and Cloris was being groomed to take her mothers place as matriarch of the House. She was taught in the way of assassins, dance, music, seduction, sex, and how to best serve her goddess Namaah. Cloris became the youngest girl to get her full rose marque, a fast learner with the brain of her father, causing her to be extraordinarily intelligent and cunning. Years passed and she received word from her brothers that the trolls were attacking Crystal Lake and the surrounding areas, that the only place that was safe was the House of Roses. They asked for protection for everyone, hoping that would be their strong point, the area that they could mount a defense against the growing threat of the troll hoards. Lady Luna agreed, and the refugees were welcomed with open arms, Jutak and Kamal began building defenses outside the house, hoping to strengthen the perimeter. There was a huge attack, and the men were able to defend their new home, keeping the trolls at bay for some time. Soon enough Lady Luna passed away, telling Cloris to let her father know that she always had loved him, and that she never once gave up hope that he would be the man she knew he would be, which was a man worthy of his place in the heavens next to the elder gods. When she passed, Cloris was made the matriarch of the House of Roses, head of teaching the younglings how to be roses. Which leads us to this part in her life, watching Jutak dying at the hands of the Troll Hoards, and being brought back to life. She just had tended to him as she waited for him to awake, having a very private discussion with him upon waking back up, and now it is time to leave the tower, and resume business as normal.