Content Warning Lurid HD titles contains nudity and depictions of graphic sexual material, including explicit depictions of sexual conduct and other materials for mature adult viewers only. ACCESS IS LIMITED TO ADULTS ONLY! We do not accept MySpace friend requests if we have any reason to believe the recipient is not an adult.
The beta test, LURID HD website is up. Please go to and let us know what you think. The "BUY" buttons will not be functional until the official website launch, but there are plenty of free stuff to check out. The upload is a bit heavy, due to the flash cells, and we are working on optimizing the site this month.
Our site is the only site on the web where you can get a real good look at every single one of our DVD titles. First with a video preview of each DVD. Then with free pictures of every scene on each DVD and finally two sample video clips for two scene of every single DVD title. All without having to jump through any hoops.
Go to or click on a picture on the right to have a look at our new site and tell us what you think.