Comedy, Movies, and the ladies, ohh the ladies ;)
Hip-Hop and Rap, you know, all that black shit...and Lenny Kravitz.
Sin City, Cliff Banger, Forrest Hump, American Booty, Star Whores, Saving Ryan's Privates, Free Willy, The Sperminator, The Firm, Lord of the O-Rings, It Came In Her Face, know, the classics!
The West Wing, 24, Boston Leagal, Stargate: SG1, Farscape (The best SciFi show EVER.) CARTOONS: Justice League Unlimited, Simpsons, Family Guy
ADULT: Horton Hears A Who BIOGRAHPY: Daredevil, The New Avengers, Powers, Punisher HORROR: O, Rosie, Seventeen, Cosmo ROMANCE: Fish n Grits, Swank, Gerbil, Hustler, Playboy, Playgirl, Girls and Guns, Black Tail, Shaved Orientals HOW TO: The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy TRAVEL: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea FICTION: The Bible
Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, Lenny Bruce, Red Foxx, Paul Mooney, The Debeers Family (for oppressing a whole nation), Kamikazie Pilots (for just plain having the balls to do the damn thing.), Mom (For givin' birth to me), and last but certainly not least Dad (For doin' it to Mom)