RACHEL SHIELDS profile picture


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About Me

Crossing boundaries of language, age and culture via inspired sound waves of the heart. Music being the bridge that unites.....It moves you to a space and depth beyond....
This music it is a dance of both the feminine and masculine giving vision and life to the imagination. Simple in their beginnings, these rhythms build in intention.....
Gathering in their unfolding....gathering all the sounds of those that are related to them..... They are seemingly just songs, though they resonate clearly.... Sounds of truth, sounds of love drawn from life and nature. I feel and I create. This is my passion. This is what I do. This is who I AM...
I am Dharagun woman.I was born in Sydney.My mother and Grandmother are of the Wailwen people being born in Coonamble NSW,we are indigenous to this country,our home Australia.Grandmother, Beatrice Welsh was a Strong Song Woman amongst our people,Gran travelled New South Wales touching people with her spirit and voice in the early days.In my childhood I was blessed to have spent time with my grandmother an elder in the family.During our time together,she showed me the way to my voice,the way to finding my song.I am in touch with the sound within me.I am gifted, Thank you Grandmother.... I grew up travelling this beautiful country observing movement and culture in society.I was exposed to the diversity of expression within each community.I have been inspired by the songs and sounds of many cultures; this has fuelled my vision and generated belief in my dreams.I sing and dance in the realms of nature.
After years of dreaming I brought my first acoustic guitar and began the journey of learning. I learn from people in my environment. I watch, their hands, the way they play, their style, their mood. I have become a simple fusion of all my observations and influences over the years. I am gifted to have been guided by many.
We are all unique, we are all gifted.
RACHEL SHIELDS – A travelling singer and songwriter. As a solo artist....Rachel is a soulful folk musician. She is developing her style and imagination through collaborating and sharing in the creativity of all who inspire her. Rachel voice carries the beauty of her soul through many genres of music. It is strong and deeply moving.
"I play guitar, it is a meditation, it creates a sound for me to dance vocally upon"."My voice is my strength, I travel the sound of a simple progression and explore the possibilities, drawing on a space within that is unlimited". Rachel is also One of the lead members of LAKOTA,
Lakota are a five piece band who fuse tribal beats with angelic sounds taking you on a journey invoking vision and inspiring you to the very depth of your being.The Name LAKOTA is inspired by the Native American Indian Tribe the Lakota People who were Forrest Dwellers.Our music is in honor and respect to all tribes of the Mother Earth and for the healing of all our ancestors.This is world music with enchantment and heart that fuses many genres,simply pure and spontaneous.WE feel to inspire people back to Mother Nature so we may remember what it is to feel free and dance together with peace again.WE use visuals and world rhythms and fuse the music with the truth of what lay in our hearts.

I feel for the human race,for all cultures from across all lands.Many are disconnected from Nature and have suppressed the understanding of how We are all connected by the same planet,though reality today teaches fear separation and disharmony.The peoples of the world who control all financial institutions are making it their business to generate disharmony on our Mother Earth,to generate disharmony between people. It is time to stand up for the TRUTH.To live according to TRUTH.To support those amongst us that are representatives of the truth that serves all of us,not one group of people or one belief or tribe separate from the whole.It is time to see with eyes of LOVE,see from the heart,from a place that is pure and true without agenda and guide and support one another back to living in harmony with nature and one another. I invite each and every one of you to sit quietly and listen to nature,listen to your inner voice and feel the truth. It will speak fro itself......
Love Rachel Shields
"Stay true" was a spontaneous recording that developed into a beautifully moving song of truth. One of which confronts the way in which we as a race live in the world today.......have a listen........As I travel,I am deeply moved and inspired.The songs are flowing in reflection to my experiences,an aural expression of observation and feeling ...
To contact Rachel email: [email protected]
This profile created at www.jahmyspace.com

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2007
Band Members:
Influences: What we practise, we become.Every moment and every person is an influence in my life.In one way or another all create an impression of which I feel, and through my intention, set my heart on harmonising with.....For me It is a practise,It is a creative journey.............We all have a story inside us...Right Now In This Very Moment there are many things happening on this planet.A pygmy is walking the forests of old. and there are people living on the streets. A person has connected with their family.There's a baby being born as a man decide's the fate of a nation. There's a surfer riding a wave, a bird migrating across an ocean. There is a man stretching his ego while another man lay stretching his breath. Meanwhile a whale is diving to the depths of the sea.There's a soldier still having nightmares as a peacefull child lay dreaming.A catapillar is transforming to the beauty of a butterfly,as a person realises the LOVE they feel for some-one.Some one is healng.There's a prayer being heard, there's a song being sung and a vow is being spoken.There's a revelation being had as a television is turned off and the truth is being felt in silence. An elder is sharing wisdom and guiding the people of the future keeping alive the harmony and ancient lore, while people are packaging your food. A child is laughing with so much joy and light in thier innocent eyes. A hermit is sitting on a hill observing the life within, and some where a crowd of people are all sharing the one environment.There's a blind person feeling their way, a deaf person seeing the vibrations and a tiny boat in the middle of a grand ocean.An animal adapts to the rhythm of it's surroundings. People are fullfilling their dreams.And I step up to the highest vision of myself.There is a miracle in every moment.There is YOU ....There is ME ....There is NATURE....We are all influencing......We are all connected... We are all relevant.....-In love and Truth -Rachel Shields 2007-........"WE ARE MEMBERS OF A VAST COSMIC ORCHESTRA IN WHICH EACH LIVING INSTRUMENT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE COMPLIMENTARY AND HARMONIOUS PLAYING OF THE WHOLE"-J.Allen.Boon-....."Be Very Carefull what you set your heart upon for you will surely get it" -Ralph Waldo Emerson-..INNOCENCE IS THE KNOWLEDGE THAT LOVE IS DEEPER THAN SURFACE EVENTS.......Strip away all role play and see that we are all pure souls equal and as one.......What the creation can give us is limited by only our ability to appreciate the gifts.....BE OPEN TO THE FLOW OF ALL POSSIBILITIES........embrace with love and trust...ONE LOVE,One Heart, LET'S GET TOGETHER & FEEL ALRIGHT-Bob Marley-.......Show only LOVE be only LOVE.......STAY TRUE.......
Sounds Like:

Photography by : "Lee stout" Cairns QLD "All about Photograpy"-Metin Cakir- Sydney NSW "Serin" Kuranda QLD "Creative Chick" -Zananda Ford-Kuranda QLD
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I lovebeyond expectationI am LOVETo truly see love Beyond all seeming darkness lay the gift of loveBeyond all excuseLoveLove is actionBeyond all fearthere is the choice ofLoveTo come from the heartis ...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 03:01:00 PST

True Beauty

So you learn to listenQuietly, hearing your breath at first. Then a gentle song you begin to feel the voice of,curiously you learn to breath deeper.All within the mind, stills to be the observer of a ...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:16:00 PST

Out of mind

Colours are forming as I inhale clouds without silver liningsA rainbow explodes as if a serpent dances across the sky stretching the expance of a wide divideAnd in a moment a firefly lands upon my sho...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:18:00 PST

journey song

For me,this is a journey of the land and the people A journey of remembering our beautifull Mother Earth Honouring the peoples and tribes who have lived in harmony with her and listened to her dreamin...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Wed, 23 May 2007 12:07:00 PST


I See beyond appearances With this perception judgements disappear, My heart opens My attention is with the essence of a person, I see the soul that is wearing the costume, I understand, I see a light...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:28:00 PST


This is the DREAMA flag of peace in a rainbow of coloursWhere men embrace eachother as brothersWhere children are loved by thier mothersWhere peoples hearts display the truthWhere children are free to...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

identity/ Kanyini

Remember your rootsthe land your people stem fromhave you traveled home to the memory of those spacesto the story of those spacesdo you know the story of who you are in respect to the space you came f...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:57:00 PST


The TRUTH moves through the world, it turns and the birds fly on invisible winds of INSPIRATION....... They see your HEART,it  resonates and all attune to the VIBRATION of themselves... The still...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:57:00 PST


UNITY-the state or quality of being one..........There are many parts that comprise of the human being .In every moment our  minds are talking to us, our stomachs are talking to us and our hearts...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:26:00 PST


Do we only admit it when we're lying quietly in bed when we actually feel our aloneness and our part on this grand planet You feel your heart beating with her,there are no distractions,our ego's lay s...
Posted by RACHEL SHIELDS on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:13:00 PST