Official Michael Kiss Tribute Artist Page profile picture

Official Michael Kiss Tribute Artist Page

Do ALL you can to help the world. Don't wait for others to do it for you.

About Me

Michael Kiss has been a Michael Jackson tribute artist since the age of nine.
He had a traumatic childhood but was fortunately adopted at the age of six. Once he was used to his new home, family, and surroundings, he was pushed to excell at anything he wanted to do. His parents sent him to a dance studio in LA because of his passion for music.
After two years, he was recommended to a much more advanced school. Here, he learned much of the hip hop style that he has now. Although he only started performing as Michael Jackson later on, he also performed with his dance theatre.His first big performance was as Snoopy in a broadway production. And how did he get into this whole Michael Jackson thing? "I remember I saw Captain Eo, and whispered to my mom that that was what I wanted to be when I grow up".
For years Michael worked hard to perfect Michael Jackson's look, moves, style, and even voice. "Since I've become a Michael Jackson "mirror image" I've performed at several events with names such as Matt LeBlance, Dave Coulier, Rick Springfield, and many others. I've done appearances on the Jay Leno show(making fun of Jay, not Michael), and performed at benefit events. I've performed in many parts of the world, including Germany, Hungary, Italy,...
My most recent appearance was a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina victims." Since then, Michael has been working on making a name for himself. He stated that he does not want to do this for a living.
Just something that he enjoys. He just made a new partnership with a music producer in Hollywood and is currently working on recording and producing some songs. He is also working closely with talented performers Perry Bale and Alice Draven.

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Captain EO - Michael Jackson

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My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Official Michael Kiss Tribute Artist Page on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:15:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Official Michael Kiss Tribute Artist Page on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Official Michael Kiss Tribute Artist Page on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:46:00 PST