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About Me

I come from northern Iraq, I am an Iraqi Kurd. Most people think that Kurds are like Arabs but they are different. I am Kurdish but there is no Kurdistan these days because it was divided up after WW1. Nowadays the country is divided between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and USSR.We have our own culture and our own religion but no country of our own. We are not all Muslim. Some blieve in the ancient Kurdish religion, some are Christian,some are Jewish.Because our country has been divided between 5 nations, we are forced to become citizens of those countries and often we are expected to forget our kurdish origins.Born in Suleimania, I was fled torture and certain death at the age of 17. My father was a fervent supporter of the Islamic Movement of Iraqi Kurdistan (IMIK). In1999 he ordered me to join the military wing of IMIK. I refused and was consequently handed over to be deployed as a suicide bomber. I continued to refuse and was then tortured for two months in an attempt to persuade me. I managed to escaped and fled Iraq via Iran and eventually arriving in the United Kingdom in May 1999.Upon arriving in the UK immediately I claimed asylum and established my life since that time.* Studied English and IT at Adult Education College in Margate* Started voluntary work with Kent Refugee Support Group* Was offered and accepted full time work at Migrant Helpline as an Interpreter* Key contact in the creation of the award wining film 'The Last Resort' with Channel Four Films* Key contact for Art Community Project until December 2006* Achieved 'Community Interpreting Skills' qualification through LOCN* Trained in Human Rights Legislation through Migrant Helpline* Awarded Millennium Volunteer (completed over 100 hours voluntary work in community)* Was a speaker at The Holocaust Memorial Day at Rochester Cathedral in Dec 2004* Achieved Level 3 in sociology and Community Projects at Thanet CollegeJULY 22nd 2006 - Detained at Campsfield House Detention Centre in Oxford (age 24)AUGUST 1st 2006 - Released from Campsfield House without explanationAUGUST 4th 2006 - Right to work revokedSEPTEMBER 1st 2006 - Fresh Claim submitted to Home Office* Volunteer at St John Ambulance, Kent qualified First Responder* Volunteer with Migrant Helpline

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I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet all those they not face reall Wold! to I explain for them What is like to be Asylum seeker or Refugee in a live when we all born to live free!!!! and we should be free!!!!


Jazz, Guitar and music from all cultuers.Halparke One

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