1950s, 1960s, art deco, beatniks, coffee, dreams, literature, psychoanalysis, psychology, religion, self-improvement, slam poetry, sunshine, taoism, tensegrity, theatre, writing
No idea.
It seems that I must warn you, that I'm a person a bit too eccentric. Maybe I'm not the most pleasant one to meet.
I'm not really unpleasant. I'm just a 100% alien. For everyone. Even for myself.
acid-jazz, astor piazzolla, bryan ferry, B52's, bauhaus, buck-tick, cabaret, david bowie, david byrne, depeche mode, einstuerzende neubauten, gotan project, helen shapiro, industrial, FLA, jazz, julie london, juliette greco, kurt weill, laibach, laurie anderson, marc almond, maria callas, marianne faithfull, mercedes sosa, morphine, nico, nina simone, nu-jazz, recoil, roxy music, sakurai atsushi, schwein, talking heads, velvet underground, zarah leander, tom waits, serge gainsbourg, nina hagen, martin l. gore, juno reactor, nick cave and the bad seeds, marlene dietrich, siouxsie and the banshees, shiina ringo, tokyo jijen, frozen autumn, endraum, p.j.harvey, leonard cohen, the dresden dolls, death in june, dead can dance, die form, cure, the sisters of mercy, peggy lee, billie holiday
art-house cinema, b movies, john waters, joseph losey, luis bunuel, peter greenaway, silent movies, wong kar-wai, woody allen, federico fellini, dirk bogarde, david lynch; movies: 1. Pillow Book 2. 81/2 3. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence 4. Medea 5.Dogville 6. eh... more than 100, or 200.
Texhnolyze, Haibane Renmei, Blame!, Wolf's Rain, Utena, Monster, Angel Egg, Kino No Tabi, Gantz, etc.
1.Fyodor Dostoyevsky - everything and especially The Possessed 2. August Strindberg - Inferno, The road to Damascus 3.Jaques Derrida - The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond 4. Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea 5. Albert Camus - Outsider, The Plague 6. Oscar Wilde - Salome 7. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. - everything
carl gustav jung, albert camus, allen ginsberg, andy warhol, august strindberg, edmond rostand, jaques derrida, jean anouilh, jean-paul sartre, john fowles, kurt vonnegut, carlos castaneda, bertolt brecht, fyodor dostoyevsky, henrik ibsen, max nordau, milorad pavich, oscar wilde, rene guenon, rene magritte, samuel beckett, tamara de lempicka, sigmund freud, stanislav grof, tanizaki, tennessee williams, thierry mugler, thommy berggren, vincent price, wittgenstein