The PeaceMaker
The world can be seen as a bit of a scary place. It is home to violence, suffering, tears, anger, frustration, hunger, disease, and sadness. Perhaps we are more aware of these because they brought to our attention by the global media which crosses borders of countries. In our world prejudices are bound. I am awaken by the realization that nations are more concerned about their own economy, rather than the conditions of the human race.I’m tired of seeing the world as a scary place. I want to know the people behind the suffering, tears, anger, frustration, hunger, disease, thoughts, and numerous differences. I want these people exposed for the evil or ignorance in their hearts. The evil replaced with goodness and kindness. The ignorance replaced with understanding. We are all members of the same family…the human race.I want to live in a global village, and know my fellow village people. I want to live in a world where people are truly connected, by understanding, empathy, kindness, spirit, peace, and love.While this dream world may never exist, or at least take a very long time, it starts with one person at a time. It starts with communication. It starts with you, with me; with us. I believe that in order to attain a world where people are open, honest, trusting, and at peace with one another, links of communication must first be opened. People have to be able to understand, or at least empathize with each other. People have to be honest with themselves, and with others.I believe that a global world of peace, conflict resolution, understanding, trust, and global friendship is acquirable, and communication, open hearts and open minds are all that is needed.