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inicios musicales a los 1o anhos de edad aprox....improvisando melodias en un pocket calculator...y en un pequenho teclado de 32 teclas... ...para luego pasar a la guitarra acustica....y dos anhos despues a la guitarra electrica....nacido en Carupano, un pueblo en la costa este de Venezuela me mudo a Caracas a los dieciseis anhos...luego de terminar la comenzar en la universidad conozco muchos musicos de la movida rock caraquenha y me enamoro apasionadamente de la guitarra electrica...en la vida de Pedro Cesar Marin -the rasgang- no existe nada sin extrema pasion... luego aprendo las artes de la composicion y ahora aca con veinte anhos escribiendo poesia , canciones y musica...estoy a punto de sacar el primer sencillo profesional...con la meta musical de componer una sinfonia para orquesta...cabe destacar que las grabaciones aqui mostradas son grabaciones caseras,...hechas con una laptop ,una guitarra acustica y el talento ,pasion e inspiracion que Dios virtio sobre mi... The rasgang was born in Carupano...a small town on Venezuela's north-east coast...raised hearing classical music...and classic rock...his curiosity for music grew up very the age of 10 years aprox....he started improving melodies on a pocket calculator,...then on a small 32 keys Casio keyboard, always was a source of power , a fountain for freedom, to the young Pedro Cesar Marin...-The Rasgang- he met the classic guitar at the age of 14 and some years later the electric guitar and some musicians from Caracas,...on the 90's he played on underground bands,...and at the same time getting knowledge on the writing arts,and music ...his great passion for the poeltry and his eager appettite for music...gave him the need to compose and write songs loaded of instrumentals and songs full of poetry...the recordings showed here are just homemade recordings made only with a laptop,.an acoustic guitar...and the talents and passion given to him by the grace of God...Create your own visitor map!
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