About Me
hello. i am sinful, but God is bigger. there's really no way to properly introduce my God, because He is, in a word, indescribable. i just hope and pray that you can meet Him. my name's dakota, and i like auburn football a whole lot more than you do. i'd one day like to have my own counseling practice and use christian principles to help other people get through some of the same stuff you and i both deal with on a day-to-day basis. everybody needs help every now and then. i will not work in a church. my family is one-of-a-kind. they're the foundation upon which i've begun to build my own faith and beliefs. i would be lost without my family. i'd also be quick to say very loudly that i don't think i'm one of those christians who tends to judge everything that's laid before his or her eyes; on the contrary, i'd rather sit down and join with you in whatever it is you're doing and get to know you, rather than judge you before i even know you. call it passive witnessing, slack evangelism, lackluster discipleship, relativism, whatever... i just don't feel that Christ would carry around with him a baseball bat with the word "SALVATION" stamped on it. *phneh* i'm absolutely insane, a quiet poet, feverish, tempered, weathered, opinionated, hopelessly romantic, weird, funny, odd, fickle, lovesick, a fanatic, easy-going, uptight, and just about any other adjective that conjures up thoughts of off-the-wall-ism. deal with it. i'm me, and i'm reminded over and over that, no matter how much i err, my God above loves me no matter what... so like i said before-- deal with it. War Damn Eagle.
My Blog
thoughts Bishop [ver. 1.0]
what a landmark. notsomuch.
despite my friends (whom i've already thanked, but will say again at this point... thank you!) having reminded me countless times that i'm now an "adult", ...
Posted by dakota on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST
The Rub
there's a beautiful scene in the movie "Swingers" in which Jon Favreau ("Mike") and Ron Livingston ("Rob") are sitting in a diner in Los Angeles talking about a past relationship that "Mike" had been ...
Posted by dakota on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:35:00 PST
Psalm 34:14 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
when's the last time you ran? went for a jog? picked up the pace on your steps because you were about to be tardy for Ph...
Posted by dakota on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:39:00 PST
Christ was the man [Part Deux]
i wish i'd had more time yesterday to finish what i was trying to say... but what better time than the present?
i need philosophy, doctrine, and theology like i need water in my lungs.....
Posted by dakota on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:26:00 PST
Christ was the man.
Christ was the man. not only was he "the" man, but he was also "a" man. i think it is paramount that we, as the remnant of Israel and the new Church of the Living God, never lose sigh...
Posted by dakota on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:28:00 PST
tell me why
tell me why you favora guy like me...tell me why did you wait forsomeone like me... &
nbsp; when the world has s...
Posted by dakota on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST
a problem found, an answer soughtand all i have is shame.this night is dark and more than that--it seems to know my name.if only i could change things nowand go back to the dayswhen life was good and ...
Posted by dakota on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 10:09:00 PST
it's true
go ahead and get it out of the way... that part of you that says "man, this blog's not for me... i know all this stuff already." no one--and i do mean no one--can ever hear enough about Christ's...
Posted by dakota on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:51:00 PST
10 Minutes To Middlemarch
someone save me from the boredom that is Middlemarch. nothing at all against Dr. Julie Nall Knowles, i just can't handle it. i've tried, however feeble my efforts, to read this book, but i...
Posted by dakota on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:29:00 PST
i'll always be a window-shopper
i sure enough hope that's not the truth. odd thing is, as much as i look back on my existence and the seemingly unimportant and oh-so-very small events that have comprised my life, i can't help ...
Posted by dakota on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:05:00 PST