Profile GeneratorMichelle Akers was born on Feb.1, 1966 in Santa Carla, Ca. In the sixth grade Akers moved to Seattle, Washington with her mother and brother after the divorce of her parents.
Akers began playing soccer at the age of 8 as a goalie,and determined to do better for her team and herself she began working everyday with schools soccer coach to learn how to driblle the ball and to become center.
When Akers graduated from High School in 1984, she became so good that she received a scholarship to the University of Central Florida. At UCF Akers joined the U.S. National Team in 1985 and in 1988 was named College Player of the Year and 4 time All American at Central Florida.
Michelle Akers was part of the U.S. Womens Team that won the 1991 World Championship and was one the 1996 Olympic Gold Metallists.
It was in 1991 when Michelle began battling with sickness.It wasn't diagnosed until 1994 that she was battling with CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). After founding out that she had CFDIS Akers collapsed on the field during a soccer match. She then realized how serious her sickness was. Akers body would only allow her to play 15-20 min. of a 90 min. soccer match.
But through all this she has become a person known for determination and inner Strength.
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