Montreal juggling festival2007
still cna't get any video out from the convention...but i made a few gifs with the footage
Sit back and enjoy a little piece of my world Juggling in the basement
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A bit abou meName: Mario
Age: 30
Personality evil40%/good60%
(could be worse)
Ok so i'm no performer, I freeze up on stage and become so nervous I usualy screw everything up.But I'm a great teacher I spent the last 4 years in the parc teaching anyone who was interested in learning about juggling, tricks and so on.I can handle 5 balls ,4 pins(knives and torches),2 diabolo and one fire staff.iM working on 5 pins(been working on it for ever)but i'm sort of a freestyle juggler so it's not really going anywhere..much play and not enough practice but it's alot of
that way
.I spend alot of time on my pc, fooling around with photoshop,html editors,flash animations and such.when my eyes can't take the screens anymore I usually take up puzzles and fantasy books.I think it's safe to say i have an obsession with dragons and mythical beasts but mostly dragons.I like to work with my hands or feet and even my head every now and then,but only if i really have to.
I’d rather have alot of good wine then just a little great wine but that dosen’t work for friends.I’m not a materialistic person, i believe respect should be won and not given, rules should be broken every now and then, violence is a waste and we should all recycle a little more.
If u can think of anything else,i guess u should just askPetite bio en création Bonjour et bienvenu sur ma page.
Me voilà ,
grand jongleur sarcastique possédant un sens de l’humour démesuré au profile plutôt sérieux. Passionné du mouvement et de la nature, je suis un adepte des sports multiples offert par la vie.
J’admets être accro à la jonglerie, la musique, le café, les après midi au par cet les dimanches aux Tam-tams. Je jongle depuis maintenant 8 ans mais je n’ai jamais eu l’esprit de scène en moi. J’ai participé à plusieurs spectacles, sans jamais prendre goût à la routine qui en devient nécessaire. Pour moi c’est plutôt l’enseignement qui est naturel et j’en profite pour partager un peu de magie avec ceux qui peuvent s’y intéresser. Je manipule présentement, deux diabolos, 5 balles, quatre quilles-couteaux-torches et j’ai commencer le bâton il y à deux étés(un peu plus dur a pratiquer à l’intérieur)
Sans compter mes jouets je ne suis pas un matérialiste, je crois que le respect se gagne plus qu’il se donne, la violence est une perte d’énergie, les règlements ont été fais pour être ignorer à l’occasion(s!!!)Et que nous devrions tous recycler un peu plus.
Je voudrais rencontrerN'inmporte qui qui a le talent de jongler,rire,bouger,dancer,penser ou faire toute autres choses d'intéressant.I Love Juggling
Introducing my friend Alex's band...
just a little jam
Help me help him out and go check out his page!!!
Sang pour sang
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Video of the week
toute information sur la jonglerie à Montréal www.jaq.qc.caLooking for a place to juggle in Montreal???
MY Last Survey
A-2-Z About Me Survey by Mario
Name: Mario
Nickname(s): Sas
Age: 30
Birthday: november 03
Birthplace: montreal
Current Location: montreal
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 190
Lefty or Righty: righty but working real hard on becoming lefty also
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
What Do You Drive: energy
Screenname: Mario
Color: Blue
Number: 03
Band: sorry can' choose just one
Music Genre: all but country and dance
TV Show: lost(on dvd)(i hate commercials)
Kind of Movie:
Cartoon: Fallapart
Sport: Jugling
Fast Food Restaurant: no thanks
Food: about five times a day
Ice Cream: you scream we all....
Cereal: Miniwheats
Candy: Kit kat
Drink: coffee
Alcoholic Beverage: tequila-lalalala
Quote: if you can't keep up, don't step up
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 2 sisters
Have any pets: 2cats
Have a job: in a circus(i work for clowns)
Have a cellphone: no
Have any special talents or skills: juggling
Have any fears: who dosen't!!
Have a bedtime: a very late one
Sing in the shower: no i'm busy
Want to go to college:
Get along with your parents: i don't think so
Have any piercings: right nipple
Have any tattoos: 3
Swear: alot(i work for clowns)
Smoke: yes
Drink: yes
Do Drugs: ok
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: all my life
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Are you single: nope
Are you in a relationship: yes
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
Ever been dumped: once
Ever dumped someone: once or twice
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: vegetable
Black or White: that's a hard one
Lights On or Lights Off: off during day time
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: truckfull
Cash or Check: cash it's clean
Rock or Rap: both
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: sirop or ketchup?
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries..hummm strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: summer rock's
Hugs or Kisses: hug and kisses
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: street corner,red lite
Smiled for no reason: all the time
Laughed so hard you cried: it's a good pain
Talked to someone you don't know: i live in the ciy
Drank alcohol: once or twice
Done drugs: ok
Partied 'til the sun came up: and down again
Gotten a ticket: 6/49 and i lost
Been arrested: where' the next question
Been convicted of a crime: ok where'the other one
Been in a wreck: yes
Been out of the country: i wonder how my little surffer chick is down in Cali
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: scorpio
Ever TP'd someone's house: not sober
Ever egged someone's house: same
How many languages do you speak: 2 and 1/2
Who do you compare yourself to: everybody
Ever regret anything: yes....doubt
Do you like being tickled: i' not ticklelish
What are your goals: survive,laugh,cry,feel
Are your fingers tired: not exactly my fingrers,but then again i'm not siting on them
Are you tired of this survey: It wouldn't be so bad i my pc would just stop crashing
Are you happy: well..i'm still laughing
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