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evolution is not synonymous of change

About Me

s&bs electronic works from spain

Sus inicios se remontan al a..o 2000, a..o en el que empieza a evolucionar tras los platos. Organizara raves y participara en los concursos para dj de Puertollano, su ciudad, mostrando ya una clara predileccion por la parte mas contundente del techno. Poco a poco ira descubriendo sonidos mas experimentales y abstractos de productores como Max duley, Jamie ball, Mike parker o Makaton sin dejar de interesarse por los clasicos: Regis, Surgeon, Jeff mills o Robert hood. Sus sesiones son lineales, agresivas, y de un gusto exquisito en lo que a seleccion musical se refiere, apostando siempre por mezclas limpias y rapidas. En Diciembre de 2003, el y otros 4 dj..s fundan "Toky Thay Corp".La intencion de este colectivo, fue la de crear una escena techno estable y decente, realizando eventos de forma constante, para asi satisfacer a los seguidores de esta disciplina en la ciudad. Ya en 2004, a raiz de la creacion de Toky Thay , comienza a actuar junto a importantes djs nacionales e internacionales, y a visitar salas fuera de la provincia de Ciudad Real. A mediados de 2005 decide adentrarse en el complicado mundo de la produccion para asi mostrar su concepto de musica electronica.Este se basa en el caos y la desolacion que vivimos en nuestra sociedad, producido por la inmensa hipocresia que nos rodea, en la rabia que estos sentimientos producen en su persona y con la que es capaz de revelarse mostrando su disconformidad con dicha situacion. A parte de "Hellray", Ray, trabaja bajo otros dos alias con los que nos muestra su vision personal de estilos como el elektro, IDM, breakbeat o dub."Basic System Computer" es uno de esos alias.Bajo este pseudonimo podemos escuchar todos sus trabajos de estructura elektro-break, trabajos influenciados por diversos matices y sensaciones captadas de diferentes grupos y artistas como: Liam howlett, Silicon scally, Drexciya o Boris divider."Sleepmassive" es el otro pseudonimo con el cual podemos escuchar sus trabajos de estructura IDM o dub.Dada la peculiar estructura de estos estilos podemos decir que, es en este campo donde mas se pone de manifiesto su personalidad, aunque cuando hablamos de IDM o dub no podemos dejar de mencionar la influencia que han tenido sobre el gente como: Richard d.James, Richard devine, Nicholas Bullen & Mick Harris, o Rob brown & Sean Booth::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: His beginnings go back to the year 2000, the year in which he stars to evolve through the decks.He organizes raves and takes part in dj contests in Puertollano, her city, already showing a clear predilection for the most forceful part of techno. Little by little he discovers more experimental and abstract sounds and cuts from producers such as Max duley, Jamie ball, Mike parker or Makaton, whithout stopping to be interested by the classics: Regis, Surgeon, Jeff mills, or Robert hood. His set are linear, aggressive and his musical selection is of exquisite taste, always favouring clean and quick mixes. In December 2003, he and four other djs form "Toky Thay Corp".The intention of this collective whas that of creating a stable and decent techno scene, holding regular events, in order to satisfy the followers of this scene in the city. Then in 2004, thanks to the creation of “Toky Thay corp”, he begings to act along side national and international djs and visiting venues outside of Ciudad Real province.. In the middle of 2005, he decides to enter the complicated world of production in order to showcase his idea of electronic music. This is based on he chaos and the desolation we live in our society, produce by the inmmense hypocrisy that surrounds us, in the rage that these feelings cause him and with wich he is able to show his dissagrement with said situation. A part of "Hellray", Ray, works under other two alias with which she shows his personal vision to us of styles like elektro, IDM, breakbeat or dub. “Basic System Computer” is one of those alias. Under this alias we can listen to all its works of structure elektro-break, works influenced by diverse shades and caught sensations of different groups and artists like: Liam howlett, Silicone scally, Drexciya or Boris to divider. “Sleepmassive” is the other alias with which we can listen to its works of structure IDM or dub. Given the peculiar structure of these styles we can say that, it is in this field where but its personality is shown, although when we spoke of IDM or dub we cannot let mention the influence which they have had on people like: Richard d.James, Richard Devine, Nicholas Bullen & Mick Harris, or Rob Brown & Sean Booth.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/24/2007
Band Members: Basic System & Hellray
Influences: Richard d. james, Richard Devine, Scorn, Milanese, Scanone, Vex-d, Autechre, Gescom,.....and many many more!!!!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None