Integrity Entertainment is the heart and soul of Jeff Astgen, a former professional Baseball player. Jeff has produced several films and has teamed up with Blu de Golyer to make Noah’s Ark happen with dignity and Integrity. Can be found on de Golyer is an established ghostwriter for many industry writers who themselves sometimes get a little blocked. After seeing Hollywood from the inside out, Blu decided to produce and direct a film himself and let those poor blocked writers fend for themselves. Blu has several other works in development, but makes Noah’s Ark his work of passion. He believes filmmaking is a lost art form, forgotten by the mighty box office dollar. His philosophy is the only special effect in a movie should be the effect it has on the audience.The production has recently welcomed David Mun on board. David has worked on many films including the hit Akeelah And The Bee. He is both the documentary and the film's Director Of Photography.Integrity Entertainment LLC 812 14th Street suite #4 Santa Monica CA 90403 310-413-5980
Noah's Ark is a unique project on many levels. Firstly, this feature film is being funded entirely with recycled bottles and cans. Every nickel goes into this project and strict accounting is standard. The accounting is important because every can we collect for the film will in turn be matched with a nickel by several corporations to be placed in charities that spotlight one of these three causes, the homeless, veterans and the environement. This project is not about only making a movie, but rather activism through a medium. Film can make change and in this case it is literal. We ask for all the help we can in getting these cans and bottles. If you drink a soda, please give us the can, if you drink a water, please give us the bottle. In return for a minimum of 400 cans or bottles, your name will be placed in the credits and when the film is finished you will recieve a DVD. This film will be a family film everyone can see. We are currently shooting the documentary of the "Project" which highlights how we are doing this. If you can't give cans or bottles, that's fine, but please spread the word or keep good in your heart for others. Our can and bottle drive is currently profiled in both the American Sailing Association newspaper and NPR Radio. We have currently teamed up with "Freedom Is Not Free", a charity that helps wounded soldiers and the familes of fallen soldiers get back on their feet. Every can we collect we are having companies and individuals match the can with a nickel to be donated to the charity. Here is a list of the sponsors so far and the list grows daily.Aero Cinema, Barney's Beanery, Kay "N" Dave's, Brooks Institute, Father's Office, 14 Below, Bruce and Scott DeHaven, The American Sailing Association, Tacos Por Favor, Nationwide Tax Relief, Best Money Solutions, Lincoln Middle School, The Alvarez family Nicki Minion
We are using music from the streets. Edgy, gritty music with heart and soul of the asphalt jungle.
We are filming a documentary ahead of the film that profiles how this film is being funded and the background to everything, including Noah. ..
Humanity.... Ricky Valencia Blue Plate Restaurant Mike and Samantha at 812 14th street. Susanna