Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I graduated college. I don't have debt. I think too much too late and too little not soon enough. I check away messages like it's my job.I like popsicles; I tend to bite them. I think you can learn something about someone by watching how they eat a popsicle. What exactly you can learn about someone by watching them eat a popsicle, I don't know, but I'm sure there's something. Latley I've been thinking keys are lonley, and that's why people have keyrings; to keep them together. If you think about it, a key is really only a bit of metal with out a lock, and a lock is kind of useless if you can't unlock it. (Or is it?) I like finding orphaned keys to give them a home in a little box with other seemingly useless aesthically pleasing bits of metal.I like food, a lot, despite what my scrawny body saying otherwise. I like to bake, and I think I'm good at baking; I like to cook, but I don't think I'm very good at it. I was always adept at the sciences and drawn to the arts.Video games are wonderful, I don't care what anyone says about that.Thanks for reading, by the way.I also like dinosaurs and robots, but not robot dinosaurs (that would be a little too silly). You should check out the artwork of Dan McCarthy, because it's pretty darn amazing. BLTD is my computer's best friend. Makes me wish i could make stuff good like that.

My Interests

I take pictures, so photography. Iceland and Japan are two countries and cultures I would love to learn more about and experience. Video games that have strong storires are better than movies and can be more fun than books. The internet is a wonderful source of communication and information, I don't care if anyone thinks it's bad. I like going to concerts, taking long showers, cuddling and going out to eat. Pocky is super tasty. Old books are interesting and I like having them even if I can't read what's inside. I love my sneakers, the entire brood of them. Public art is terribly interesting too, graffiti and the like. Cross-genre music is great to keep your ears on their toes.Imagery is one of the most useful tools for a writer. I wish I was better at it. One should read A&P by John Updike and Jack London's To Build a Fire for great descriptions of lighting and perception and frostbite, respectively.Now for a list of interests: Bioluminescence, Expired film, Lighting, Walking, Trees, Building things, Taking things apart, Mail, Cameras, Felix (my computer), Finding good deals, Stencils, Water colors, Dinosaurs, Grammar, Notcot (.org and .com),I am starting to loose my momentum here because of IMs and TV, so more to come at a later date.

I'd like to meet:

Someone cool. People who don't suck. Artsy geeks and people who like video games are good too. Bre Pettis, Jim Halpert.oh, and Grace Jones


Sondre Lerche, Weezer, They Might Be Giants, Freezepop, Donovan, the Sounds, Metric, Le Tigre, Sons and Daughters, Of Montreal, Gravy Train, The Faint, Pulp, Radiohead. I've also got a lame soft spot for older pop-punk (yeah, guilty pleasure), cover songs and anything that mashes more than one genre together.


Clue, My Neighbor Totoro, The Science of Sleep, The Emperor's New Groove, I can't think much now... more to come.


I'm a huge dork. I love most everything shown on PBS and I frequently change the channel to the discovery channel when I can't seem to find anything else on TV. As for shows, i like The Simpsons, Cowboy Bebop, The Family Guy, Food Network, Kids in the Hall, those remodeling/room makeover shows, Home Movies, Jeopardy, Six Feet Under, Lost, Antiques Road Show, Top Model, Top Chef, Top Design, Project Runway,


Harry Potter, The Chocolate War, What Remains, Brave New World, Diary, The Americans, Eats, Shoots and Leaves, the Picture of Dorian Gray, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 9 stories, 1984, Dry, Catcher in the Rye, The Two Towers, Lullaby, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, the work of Arthur Schnitzer, Neil Simon, John Updike, Dave Eggers, Rumble Young Man Rumble,


Spiderman, people who are doing what they want with their lives, those responsible for the window displays at Shreve, Crump and Low on Boylston street,

My Blog

Light Bulbs, Pinocchio, Monopoly and George Washington.

So I'm tired. Just got home from work, and I'm making love to this eggnogg latte from Starbucks I picked up just after I was cut. Last night I hung out with Justin after he got out of work. Yay! that...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


So, yesterday I went shopping with Michelle. It was fun! It was my birthday gift from me to me. I only brought $150, and i only spent $140. The results:  3 pairs of shoes, 3 shirts, one pair of ...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Train manners, books and exhibition

Alrihgt, so i'm on the T today, coming into work. I get on at Wonderland, coffee and book in hand. I'm sitting, reading. Somewhere around beachmont, my coffee fall, spilling on the floor. What do i do...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

More stuff

More things I want Eat, Shoots and Leaves (it's a book....seemingly about punctuation) The Best of Heart The Bravery's album (i've wanted it for a while, but hearing "Honest Mistake" on the ra...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Yep, i'm still bored silly. I need another hobby or two, and def. another job. anyone got any suggestions? i'm sitting home alone on a Thursday night, after sitting home alone all day Thursday day. ...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ah HA!

OK, another album i want....Schmack by Steriogram.....there's a song on it that's in one of the new ipod commericals (not the black eyed peas song, which i think i want too) but the super fast talking...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Moving back home sucks. but there isn't much else i can do with out a job to support getting a place on my own or roomates to move in with. I'm watching MTV. something i havn't done in about 3 month...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

CDs I need to buy! (not in this order)

Anything and everything by Beck. The Best of Journey. Faces Down by Sondre Lerche (I have a burnt copy, I'd just like the real thing). the Cambodia Rocks compilation. Weezer's first self-titled ...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Happy! woo! ok, not totally, but def. in higher spirits. the job search continues, as does looking for an apartment (anyone out there need a roomate? someone to take a room in their apartment? anythi...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New York City!

Alrihgt, so i got back in last night 'round 9:30. I had a blast. Aside from hanging out with Francois for a few days, getting a sweet ass pair of gold and khaki marc jacobs sneakers for 90 bucks, gett...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST