AjaxFree's a noisely experimental music project. Sampling and resampling the more creative and noisely on the contemporary world music, Fábio A. (voices, samplers, computers) show to us how is possible to create and inovate the music scene.Yours compositions, tematics or surrealistics are a deep journey into the strange side of mind. The intensity, informations and dynamics is so weird.You can feel your body quake and your mind changed after the sounds end.
By now, AjaxFree's music had taken on a far more experimental hue, and the composed musics is out of 60's and 70's experimental musics.
Here the fairies are violented by a psycho noise maker!Heady and hypnotic, driving and relentless, tumultuous and visceral, sonic and serene, the sheer odyssey that is AjaxFree encompasses many paradoxes in its massivel dynamic scope. Exposed to AjaxFree in a confined space, members of an audience will tend to do one of two things. Some will immediately seek the nearest exit, while those left behind turn to face the music, transfixed like prey engulfed in a tiger's roar. How long is a climax?Like some gigantic alien animal that has been prodded from slumber, their music stretches out to reveal an enormous and unimaginably complex musical monster that just keeps growing.
AjaxFree é um projeto de música experimental barulhenta que começou no final dos anos 80. Fábio A. (vocais, samplers, computadores) brincava de gravar diversos ruÃdos com alguns gravadores e mixá-los para depois inserir
algumas vocalizações de textos. Noise Experimental Extremo = AjaxFree.Sampleando e re- sampleando o que há de mais criativo e barulhento na música contemporânea mundial, Fábio A. nos mostra que é possÃvel fugir da mesmice musical e criar algo realmente novo e fora dos padrões moda.A intensidade da música, o turbilhão de informações, a dinâmica, nos leva para lugares diferentes e quando você ouve tudo isso num volume realmente alto essas sensações passam a afetar seu corpo.
Download all full albums here: AjaxFree