LETS BRING PEACE!!!!!Huge into Bikes... Love CHOPPERS, I love my new VTX... I can talk bikes all day long, but I wont..I have lived in different areas of the country, but know Chicago is home! I work as a Realtor for a nationwide firm located on Michigan Ave and I have a great knowledge of the market around the entire Chicagoland area. I really enjoy what I do.I also work in Chicago's Nightlife Industry and own and Manage DVS Entertainment. We are a Bar/Lounge/Club Promotions company with many successes and plenty of homegrown talent that is currently working in every major spot in Chicago along with other parts of the country. OH, I AM A CUBS & SOX FAN!!!
Someone that has a level head and has direction. I need a girl who has a career not just a job. She has to have that ALL AMERICAN or Eastern European look.. Yes big fan of blondes, but love a girl with dark skin and light eyes...Smile is huge and I love a cutie(thats my weakness) I really want to meet someone that looks to build a relationship together and not just whats in it for her(run into many of them), I have much to offer....
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What I listen to really is effected by the mood I'm in. This can range from the Hardest Rock to dance and techno, and as Sherri would say, "What the [email protected] is this country
Love Drama, Action, and of course COMEDY I'm the biggest SCARFACE fan EVER!!
I love Adult Swim, American Chopper, most of Discovery, History, Comedy Central, ESPN, CSI, Seiround-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat-y;} table table table td.text table table div img {visibility:visible;} table tablenfeld, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, and my DVD collection of Family Guy and NIP/TUCK ..
Stewie Gilligan Griffin .. ..