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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsI'm the only blonde one haha... but i'm the one in the green sweater if you cant figure it out lol.... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
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| View | Add Favorite ♥ummm...lets see...a little about me...well... There are a lot of things that happen in life for a reason, but as soon as it all leads up to the same person, it really opens your eyes. There are alot of things in life you wish you didnt do, and they're are alot of things you wish you did do, but never got to it... Never hold back, dont be afraid to tell the person you love, that you love them unconditionally..even if they dont feel the same way or dont say it back..tell them! I will never know when my last day will be, but i dont wanna go without knowing that the person i love knows that i love him... life is way to short to fight, and be mad for little reasons, i've learned that the hard way... Follow your dreams to the fullest, and dont let anyone hold you down from that. If you have a dream, or an ambition..GO FOR IT! your going to have to work for wont be handed to you, your going to have to fight for it.. DONT EVER GIVE UP!Love is not an easy thing..its hard, if it was easy...There would really be no point.. its a give and take...not a give and keep giving and get nothing back. i am a hopeless romantic... i wear my heart on my sleeve.. either i really like you or im not into you at all..i know sorry... I cry way to much... I try to stay away from relationships and all that...but like the saying goes..YOU CANT HELP WHO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH♥Which in my opinion sucks... Im a HUGE Britney Spears fanatic! My passion is dancing... its my life..if i didnt have that to turn to when things were bad, i'd be a mess.I am currently the Hip Hop teacher at Dance Kraze Productions..any questions, ask meMy hip-hop crew On Point is about to blow up, ya'll look out for us..We are just too much to handle!And i am now considered a PROFESSIONAL DANCER!! and the feeling is amazing!I'm really determind, and i think i've been through enough in my life to know exactly what i want at my age... Which is so hard to one of the lucky ones...Live life to the fullest, because you never know when ur last day will be...Love the ones that you love unconditionally, cuz you never know when you will lose them...Have fun with life, and try not to take it so serious all the time..AND TO THE CHICKS OF 06! I'MMA MISS YA'LL SO MUCH! I'VE HAD SOME GREAT TIMES WITH YA'LL IN HIGH SCHOOOL..MEMORIES THAT I AM NEVER EVER GOING TO FORGET..EVEN BAD ONES..YOU ALL WILL BE IN MY HEART FOREVER! THE END♥
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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