LauReTHa : need to relax - vanish Vertigo profile picture

LauReTHa : need to relax - vanish Vertigo

I am here for Friends

About Me

complex||mind reader||strange behaviour||edgy phsycal||hypocrite||imaginer||multigifted||LOve n lust Thirst||music addict||"tu es bete comme un ane"FInd me on no One!! just Lauretha

My Interests

i lost my sense of interests!!! world is full of plain lines and cubes!!!

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I'd like to meet:

.mon pere .RegiNa SpeKtoR|| .The StroKes|| .aRctiC monKeys|| .the s.i.g.i.t|| .soRe|| .lunamoch|| .dall|| .lord caid =) those EveRyone||

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the strokes:: radio 4:: the rogers sisters::Ted leo:: the fever::longwave:: CaLLa:: the rapTure:: radiohead::the walkmen:: interpoL :: the natuRe history :: the witnesses :: Lcd soundsystem:: secret machine:: the trashcan sinatras:: rooney::spearmint::tahiti 80:: tokyo police club::THE FEELING::fatboyslim::silverchair::hanson::sonicyouth::zeke n the popo::sore::kraftwerk::ERK::king of leon::mika::velvet underground::feist::the doors::placebo::


the illusionist..hostell


i ve sold my TV!!


StoNe CowBoy::MaRk JaCoBs>..PiGs In heaVeN::BaRbaRa KingsoLveR>..a FroLic oF his Own::WiLliam Gaddis>..weLding with cHilDren::Tim GauXTreaUx>..a LeSsoN befoRE DyiNg::GaiNes>sHe's a RebeL;;GiLlian G.GaaR>..StaRduSt meLody::WiLliam FrieDwaLd>..the star Place;;Vicki GroVe>..NOBody's perFect::aNthoNy LaNe>//HaRRY pOttER//sTraiGht TalkinG~JaNe Green//WaNdERLust~CHris Dyer//FakIng iT!~jENNifer CrusiE//sPeecHLeSS~YVonne cOLLins&SanDY riDEout//


-God aLmighTY-|.. -GreaTest DaddY R.I.P-|| greaT mommas-||SeTianegaRa's BroWniEs FamiLy " Lof yOu aLL by my DeePesT heaRT" || -aLL GReaTest PaLs aside-

My Blog

May i Give up ,siLLy!!

I'm afraid.I'm starting to feelWhat I said  i wouldnt dothe Last time reaLLy hurt meI'm scared to fallin loveAFRAID to Love so fastCoz everytime i Fall in loveIt seem to never lastbut everytime y...
Posted by LauReTHa : need to relax - vanish Vertigo on Wed, 02 May 2007 12:27:00 PST

LOve Epic

It's OK        "J" is calming downIt's aLright  "J"..heart would not breaking downYou'LL see  "J"..FoLks are walking aroundYou'll find me "J"..Me voicing my sound           Sun is shining above...
Posted by LauReTHa : need to relax - vanish Vertigo on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:20:00 PST

as I Lie Dying

aS I Lie..DYinGi HaVe TraveLed so far to find so littlemeaning in tragedy or tragedyin the search for the meaningdark clouds have lead me hereconfined freedomguides us to securitywhat if everythingi h...
Posted by LauReTHa : need to relax - vanish Vertigo on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:15:00 PST