i lost my sense of interests!!! world is full of plain lines and cubes!!!
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.mon pere .RegiNa SpeKtoR|| .The StroKes|| .aRctiC monKeys|| .the s.i.g.i.t|| .soRe|| .lunamoch|| .dall|| .lord caid =) those EveRyone||
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the strokes:: radio 4:: the rogers sisters::Ted leo:: the fever::longwave:: CaLLa:: the rapTure:: radiohead::the walkmen:: interpoL :: the natuRe history :: the witnesses :: Lcd soundsystem:: secret machine:: the trashcan sinatras:: rooney::spearmint::tahiti 80:: tokyo police club::THE FEELING::fatboyslim::silverchair::hanson::sonicyouth::zeke n the popo::sore::kraftwerk::ERK::king of leon::mika::velvet underground::feist::the doors::placebo::
the illusionist..hostell
i ve sold my TV!!
StoNe CowBoy::MaRk JaCoBs>..PiGs In heaVeN::BaRbaRa KingsoLveR>..a FroLic oF his Own::WiLliam Gaddis>..weLding with cHilDren::Tim GauXTreaUx>..a LeSsoN befoRE DyiNg::GaiNes>sHe's a RebeL;;GiLlian G.GaaR>..StaRduSt meLody::WiLliam FrieDwaLd>..the star Place;;Vicki GroVe>..NOBody's perFect::aNthoNy LaNe>//HaRRY pOttER//sTraiGht TalkinG~JaNe Green//WaNdERLust~CHris Dyer//FakIng iT!~jENNifer CrusiE//sPeecHLeSS~YVonne cOLLins&SanDY riDEout//
-God aLmighTY-|.. -GreaTest DaddY R.I.P-|| greaT mommas-||SeTianegaRa's BroWniEs FamiLy " Lof yOu aLL by my DeePesT heaRT" || -aLL GReaTest PaLs aside-