drawing. mainly anime, fantsy, and abstract. i am not too much into poetry anymore. being around people is definatly one of my intrests.i want to learn to play the electric guitar so one day i can play for a bad ass rock band! if i ever got to i decided i would always dress up in diffrent costumes!haha.
I would love to meet Dane Cook he is awsome and one of the most sexiest guys on the planet. i dont know i am pretty content on who i know and have met, so there really isnt anyone special i like to meet.and plus i am a server so i get to meet great new people everyday.
i am a true music lover i like everything!! i am a die hard porcelain and the tramps fan. def tones to weezer, rihanna to ez e. i am a huge reggaeton lover too.
i love hentai (if you dont know dont ask!) i am a sucker for a romance movie though. i cry during the notebook. i pretty much like anything if its not stupid. i am not a fan of scary movies though because here latley they have been getting more stupid by the month. a scary movie should scare me and the last time i was ever scared was form freddie when i was 5.
i am a big adult swim fan! alias kicks ass. sopranos is the shit. dead like me was the greatest and they people should be shot it not continuing for whatever reason it might have been.
i love to read but sometimes dont have tim i was able to read all of the harry potters while pregnant with my daughter. right now i am on a book called The Witch of Cologne
my mother definatly. she is the greatest and most wonderful person i have ever met. i have the up most respect for her and hope that one day i can be as strong as her emotionally and mentally.