You know what, I never thought I'd say this, but I LOVE doing spots now!
Bette Midler. Apparantly I look like her, which is scary. If there was one thing I always said I didn't want to be mistaken for, it was a 50-something redhead Jewish woman. AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!oh, i'd love to meet anyone hot that i see on myspace. Just to make sure the pictures aren't lying.
"ummmm anything camp." "What type of camp?" "Just camp... CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP!"
Rocky Horror Picture Show. Family Guy Movie. Never thought I'd say this, but Schindler's List. Oh and Pillow Talk 1 and 2 and Too Many Boys by Bel Ami. ANNNNNYTHING from Bel Ami really.. *giggle*
Family Guy, Ab Fab, The Simpsons, Will and Grace, Freaks and Geeks.
Cook books --- You know, I said that last year and I still love them most!
What do your lips say about you? (with pics!)
You're a bit of a whore. YOu love making out, hot guys, and maybe more. OR maybe your'e not even a whore, maybe you're just boy crazy. Notice the sugary lips though...
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