the real Roy Shaw profile picture

the real Roy Shaw


About Me

THIS IS THE OFFICIAL MYSPACE PAGE FOR ROY "PRETTYBOY" SHAWALL OTHERS ON HERE HAVE NO ASSOCIATION WITH ROY!!!ROY SHAW was born in Stepney in 1936. In 1963 he was sentenced to 18 years for a record breaking armed robbery. He started bare-knuckle fighting aged 42 with many infamous victories, including one over Donnie "The Bull" Adams. His fights with archrival Lenny "The Guvnor" McLean were described by critics as among the bloodiest of the century.I'm Roy Shaw. Maybe my name means nothing to you. Why should it? I'm no actor, no showman, no wannabe celebrity. I'm not loud or brash and I don't huff or puff or growl at anyone, but I live by a merciless code. For me violence is simply an accepted part of my profession - the profession of violence. I don't exaggerate the violence I have inflicted. I can't excuse it and I certainly won't apologise for it.Writing my book has, in a way, made me understand the reasons why I did the things I did and has enabled me to put them to rest. My book includes murder, armed robbery and gratuitous violence beyond your worst nightmare. I'm not glorifying it or trying to justify the violence, I'm putting my hands up to it all. I admit I'm prepared to go all the way but I never do it for pleasure and I always do my own dirty work. I need no labels nor anyone's seal of approval, you can take me or leave me - I care for no man. I've been through the rigors of army life and prison, including Broadmoor.They say you will never beat the system but the system has never beat me either. It's been said that if you understand a man and you know why he does things then you don't have to be afraid of him. There are tough men but let me tell you I know from experience that really dangerous men have no pity. I'm not an unreasonable man, and, like anyone else, I love my mother and I wouldn't hurt women, children or the ordinary man in the street. But if you are a man and you take a liberty with me or cross me, then believe what I say, when it comes to retribution I have no pity or conscience. If that makes me the devil then devil I am, but I haven't got horns sticking out of my head or cloven hooves and a tail, but if you're unlucky enough to have me come after you - beware - 'cos hell's coming with me....ALL PICTURES ARE COPYRIGHT OF ROYPRETTYBOYSHAWLTD AND CANNOT BE TAKEN OR USED WITHOUT CONSENT YOU ARE BEING WATCHED!!!.

My Interests

boxing, villany. Your results:
You are Hulk Hulk 80% The Flash 80% Catwoman 65% Spider-Man 60% Robin 55% Wonder Woman 50% Green Lantern 50% Batman 40% Supergirl 40% Iron Man 40% Superman 25% You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

I'd like to meet:



I love music from the 60's


Rocky films. Gangster films


gangster books. I recommend my book Roy "Pretty Boy" Shaw.


Freddie Foreman, Frank fraser.