About Me
We believe in one God, who is called by many names-Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, RA, Elohim, Jah, God, The Most High, The Creator, The Supreme One.
We believe as Amazulu, we will not fight or kill other human beings over which proper name to call God. We will recognize them all to be the same one God.
We believe God will come to be seen to the human eye and will straighten out the problems that Human Beings brought upon this planet so-called Earth.
We believe in the Holy Bible and the Glorious Qur'an and in the scriptures of all the Prophets of God.
We believe that the Bible has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted, so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it.
We believe that through white supremacy many of the history books which are used to teach around the world in schools, colleges and other places of learning have been distorted, are full of lies and foster hate when teaching about other races in the human family.
We believe that all history books that contain falsehoods should be destroyed and that there should be history books based on true facts of what every race has contributed to the civilization of Human Beings. Teach true history, not falsehood, only then can all races, and nationalities respect, like or maybe love each other for what our people did for the human race as a whole.
We believe in truth whatever it is. If the truth or idea you bring us is backed by facts, then we as Amazulu bare witness to this truth. Truth is Truth.
We believe that anyone who is into any religion or faith, that religion or faith should uplift you as a Human Being, not make you into a religious slave or zombie, and that the religion should not mix falsehood with truth, and that the religion should be a fighter for Freedom, Justice, and Equality for all Human Beings as well as for anything of life that God has given to this planet so-called Earth.
We believe that racism and hate are trying to rule the lives of Human Beings on this Planet so-called Earth and that only belief in the Supreme One and truth will destroy this disease called racism and hate.
We believe that Human Beings have caused harm to Mother Earth and must do something about the pollution of the air, water, land, and space.
We believe that Human Beings have also caused harm to animals and sea life and that Humans must correct their wrongs or they will be headed for destruction as it has been prophesized by the prophets. Only Human Beings with the help of God can change the future.
We believe the mental resurrection of the dead. There are many of the Human race who are blind, deaf, and dumb to the knowledge of Self and others and we feel the ones who know should teach.
We believe that life, creation, everything is based on mathematics.
We believe in the seen and what is to be known of the unseen. We believe in the Power of the mind, and that knowledge is as infinite as God himself. We believe in justice for all, whether in God or not. We believe as others that we are due equal justice as Human Beings.
We believe as Amazulu are people of peace and that we respect those who respect us, and we are at peace with those who are peace with us, but if we are attacked by an aggressor or oppressor, then we believe and are taught that we should fight in the name of Allah, Jah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, The Most High, God, to fight those who come against us.
We believe in Power, Education in truth, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Work for the people and the upliftment of the people. The Universal Zulu Nation stands for: