AbsyntH profile picture


(The Absynth)

About Me

The Absynth band was created in 2003 by the drummer Enrico S.,the keyboard player Marco S., the lead guitarist Luca P., thesinger Dario F., the bass player Francesca B. and the rythmicguitarist Alessandro G.. After some contests and minor concertsthe singer, the bass player and the rythmic guitarist decide toquit, and the remaining part of the Absynth has to face thissituation rebuilding a new band, with the old name, from itsashes. The Absynth new formation so involves a new bass player,Lorenzo C., and a new singer, Elena B.They are The Absynth. Theirkind of music oscillates between gothic-symphonic influencesbut also pop, electronic, and rock play an important role in theelaboration of their own songs.After one year of hard workthe band releases "Absynthotic" as its first, self produceddemo-cd, hoping that positive (or even negative) feedback willhelp to improve their music and to gain a space among theemerging sound realities of the moment! Their music is stillchanging and evolving, so keep followin'!
Gli Absynth nasono nel 2003 per opera del batterista Enrico S.,del tastierista Marco S., del lead guitarist Luca P., del cantanteDario F., della bassista Francesca B. e del chitarrista ritmicoAlessandro G.i. Dopo alcuni concorsi e piccoli concerti ilcantante, la bassista e il chitarrista ritmico decidono di lasciareil gruppo. I componenti rimasti ripartono cosi'. da 0,mantenendo per.. il nome del vecchio gruppo, costruendo unanuova formazione, con Lorenzo C. al basso ed Elena B. allavoce. La loro musica ha influenze che spaziono dalgothic-sinfonico al pop, passando per elettronica e rock.Dopoun anno di duro lavoro la band rilascia il suo primo demo"Absynthotic", sperando di ricevere feedback, positivi o negativiche siano, che gli permettano di fare strada e di guadagnarsi unposto fra i gruppi emergenti locali. La loro musica sta ancoraevolvendo e cambiando, quindi continuate a seguirli!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2007
Band Members:

L'Elenina (Voice)

Cervo (Bass)

Pitch (Guitars)

Sciama (Drums)

Pata (Keyboards)
Influences: Rock, pop, gothic, elettronica,nu-metal
Sounds Like: ...It depends on the song!!
Type of Label: Indie