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who me?

About Me

25, female, boob-a-licious

My Interests

Local music, non-local music, music of any kind!

I'd like to meet:

Kate Moss


Locally.......Oppenheimer, Cutaways, S'Gottabomb, The Greeters, Clone Quartet, Panda Kopanda, Half Caste, The Benjamins, Skruff, Jedi Jane, Fast Emperors, The Dregs, Pretty Ginger, The Subtitles, Kowalski, God Talking Soul, Sarah Lyle, Swanee River, Olympic Lifts, Angelfall, Farago, Imperial Blether, Ed Zealous, The HellFire Club, Chadsko, Heathrow Yesterdays, V//Formation, When Pilots Eject, Pat & Nipsy........Not so locally.....Air, Phoenix, Zero 7, Morcheeba, Lemonjelly, Royksopp, Neil Young, JoyZipper, Bent, The Revs, The Redneck Manifesto, Boards Of Canada, The Beach Boys, Aqualung, Marbles, Daft Punk, Robots In Disguise, Belle & Sebastian, The White Stripes, Gorky's, The Bees, Beck, Snake River Conspiracy, Evil Harrisons, The Flaws, Primal Scream, Fat Boy Slim, The Go! Team, Mylo, Little Barrie................


..............Mallrats, Virgin Suicides, Anchorman, O Brother Where Art Thou, The Rules of Attraction, Clueless, Amelie, High Fidelity, Shaun of the Dead, Team America.................


...........Spaced, South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, Coupling, Frasier, Sienfeld, Ed, The League of Gentlemen, I'm Alan Partridge, Sex And The City, The Fast Show, Little Britain, Six Feet Under, AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!.......................


......The Rules of Attraction, Glamarama, Less Than Zero, Last Exit To Brooklyn, The Bitch Goddess Notebook, A Cook's Tour, The Dice Man................


......Kate Moss....

My Blog

My my what a lot of goings ons

Well I was up stupidy early this morn.  No idea why, but already been working for 2 hours! Nuts! Anyhoo. Far too much has happened since I wrote the last blog to try and remember.  But I'll ...
Posted by Jen on Wed, 16 May 2007 02:12:00 PST


I want to be Anthony Bourdain. Well, maybe not him cause he's kind of an ass. But I wanna do what he does. Eat and travel.  That'd do me. Also - no blogs the last while because my life got a litt...
Posted by Jen on Thu, 10 May 2007 05:21:00 PST

We're all going on a summer holiday.....

Yo! I leave for Spain @ 5am tomorrow morning.  Good news huh?  However, it's almost 4pm and I haven't started packing yet.  Nor have I written the speech that I promised I'd make at my ...
Posted by Jen on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST

I'm a Winner!

Thank you Silver Birch! I put a random bet on the Grand National on Saturday, and won £182! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!
Posted by Jen on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

Best Phrase Of The Week.........

........"that's a belter day so it is" Overheard today whilst walking through Botanic. Pure Belfast. Class. And yes, I am loving the sun. Finally being able to go out without freezing my (cute) ass of...
Posted by Jen on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:40:00 PST

Remind me never to drink again...

What a fab week! yo! F*ROCK in Sandinos was a really great night out. Me & Ang really enjoyed ourselves, danced the night away, and managed not to get to horrifically drunk! Club Sandwich @ Lavery...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 11:12:00 PST

Oh Yeah Baby, we're off to Derry!

What a mad few days! Been stuck in PRINTER HELL since Wednesday, missed IMRO showcase and Kowalski @ QUB :( but ah well. when you gotta work, you gotta work. Managed to make up for it by getting ridic...
Posted by Jen on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:26:00 PST

In A Bad Mood

I'm in a bad mood this week. And can't explain it, it's very frustrating.  I want to be happy, really I do. I have lots to look forward to.  Must be the weather. It's pretty miserable. ...
Posted by Jen on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:04:00 PST

Back to Belfast

So my London journey came to an end last weekend. And what a journey it was!  Plenty going on, a lot learned,  great experience. Best parts:Klaxons/CSS @ Hammersmith PalaisKylie Exhibition @...
Posted by Jen on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 10:38:00 PST

Week 2 in London

I made it through the weekend unscathed.  But slightly mising home..... Anyways, Sat night was a quiet one on the sofa with glass of wine. Sunday I continued the plan to take it easy, but was lur...
Posted by Jen on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:09:00 PST