Blue ©1979 profile picture

Blue ©1979

Fuck Strawberry!

About Me

Hello, I'm Blue, a.k.a. {insert color here} to my friends. I work two jobs, so I work a lot of my time. But when I'm not, I enjoy being with my young daughter, Bronwyne Elyse, whom is also my number one lady. I love being outside as much as inside. I'm very tolerant, but impatient. I eat like a fat ass, yet I'm tall and skinny. I'm satisfied, but unhappy. I like rainy days as much as sunny ones. My real name is Blue, and I get tired of being asked that. I enjoy recreational smoking. I do not like crowds, but I approve of gatherings. My favorite drink would be a Kamikaze, which literally is the 'sacred wind'.
Which Howl's Moving Castle Character are You?(Now with Pictures, re-edited)
Look at that! You're the wizard Howl! You tend to get very annoyed easily, and always wants to look good whenever out! Though you may appear tough (and handsome) you're really fragile inside...Oh and wait! You're a slither-outer, very cowardly person who runs away at the wrong time!
Take this quiz !
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My Interests

Being with my daughter anytime I can. Playing poker. Shooting pool and bowling. Being a professional nerd. Destroying brain cells watching tv, juxtaposed by my other interest of sitting on the mountaintop. XxANIMExX!!! Being tha mad fly, pimped out, superdope, trashtalkin, son of a bitch, makin u throw ur controller, giving free lessons on kickin ass, video game master. I'll kick ur ass, pick the game. And last, but not least ruling the universe. And last, but always consistent, being out there.

I'd like to meet:

:: how nintendo are you? ::


I love all music, but post-1984 country. I listen to everything from Depeche Mode to Lil Keke. It ain't hard to figure out my favourite, but I'm down for whatever, usually, as long as it ain't wack.

Take the quiz:
Which Depeche Mode album are you?

Songs of Faith and Devotion
You've become fascinated with grunge and drugs, the lyrics and the music clearly show this


Most Akira Kurosawa films, All Hayao Miyazaki films, Star Wars, The Killer, Hard Boiled


I love Family Guy and Six Feet Under.


My favorite authors are Whitley Strieber, Chuck Pahluniuk, Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, Haruki Murakami, J.R.R. Tolkien, R.A. Salvatore, and Kurt Vonnegut.


Jushin Thunder Liger, Silver Surfer and Spike Spiegel ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Interesting Things you will actually mildy enjoy reading about me!

First of all whose taking my survey
Name:: Blue
Age:: 27
Currently you live:: Germanton NC
Do you live in a house/condo/apartment?: no, and how do u combine a house, condo and an apartment?
Do you have any room-mates or do you live alone or with parents?: i own my own.
Zodiac Sign:: VIRGO TunguskaThe DropaOne of the Dropa disksChichen ItzaMachu PicchuIn Honor of the Man