I was raised and trained by Master Gouken for as long as I can remember. When I turned 19, an American named Ken Masters became a pupil of Gouken's as well. We became close friends and his power soon equaled mine. One day while training, Ken hit me above my eyebrow, which created a cut. He then gave me his hairband which I have worn ever since as a headband. After we had finished our training, I entered the Street Fighter Tournament where I defeated Sagat giving him the famous scar on his chest.
After winning the tournament, I traveled to Japan to a secluded island where I battled and defeated Gouki (Akuma). He revealed to me that I had a "hidden power" called the Satsui No Hadou , but I had no clue what he was talking about. He said that once I had awoken the power, to come back and re-fight him to see for once and for all who was actually stronger. As I was leaving the island, the ground started to shake. I ran for the shore and dove in the water. As I did, the island exploded in a fireball. I never found out if Gouki escaped or not.
I wanted to then live the peaceful life, but the leader of Shadoloo known as Vega (M. Bison) captured me and controlled my mind so that I fought along side him. As a team, we faced my long time friend Ken Masters, Sagat and a promising student and long time admirer of mine named Sakura. I eventually broke free of Vega's hold, and delivered a forceful blow that caused him to retreat. Even though we had overcome the opponent, this made me realize how weak-minded I actually was. I decided to go on a purity quest and try to master the technique of Ansatsuken without the murderous touch.
Years later I entered the third Street Fighter tournament where I lost to Oro. I am currently being trained by him.
If you would like to speak more with me, you may message me on AOL Instant Messenger by the name Ryu Ansatsuken.