well books and live musical shows, bands and djs. I like making plants grow to maturity. I like espresso but not coffee. I like the way the sun looks as it sets out over the ocean but I don't get to see it as much as I would like to. I'm interested in humankind and the way we don't get along with other races and cultures. I like apples and oranges equally. I think all women are beautiful to someone somewhere. I'm interested in gold and diamonds and lasers and smoke and mirrors. I'd love to see machu pichu in Peru, that would be sweet.
everyone. Except RayRay he owes me money still.
music? well I lost my hearing in Iraq. A grenade went off right next to my head killing sgt. miller and permanently damaging my hearing. so no I can't hear music, but thanks for asking. you bastard. I'm going to drink myself happy now. there are you happy now?! you drove me to drink again. aaaghh! I hate my life!
one of my favorite movies is that one with that guy and that girl with the long hair and the spaceship takes them all up into space with those things and then there's some stuff that happens and then someone dies. it was a good picture.
I don't watch tv anymore after the damn thing started telling me when I could leave my house and how I should dress. I'll be damned if appliances tell me what to do. so now I only take advice from my clown doll who sits in my window laughing at birds and thinks walnuts are conspiring against the peanut butter companies. what a nut. ha! I made a joke.
the motercycle diaries, fight club, survivor, the contorsionists handbook, tolkien, the dog fighter, the house of sand and fog, mystic river, shel silverstein, poe, jack kerouac, rilke, jean-paul sartre, decartes, the bible, the koran, hunter s. tompson, a little clancey but not to much. I also enjoy rumi, how to be good, the psycho-ex game was good.
Eric little. you don't know him so don't worry about it.