the GOOD, the BAD and the FUGLY profile picture

the GOOD, the BAD and the FUGLY


About Me

THE fancy dress party!

want some ideas?
THE GOOD: SUPERHEROES! sugar & spice & all things nice, cupids & angels, fairys & magic, sparkles & sequins...KNIGHTS IN SHINING ARMOUR! damsels in distress...
The BAD: VILLANS! naughty but nice, monsters & madness, dark & sexy, burlesque & beasts...PIRATES! sorcerors, vampires, rock stars!...
THE FUGLY: masks & madness, loud & proud, patterns & prints, kitsch & quirky... DRAG QUEENS, the rocky horror show...
VENUE: The Consortium
COST: £3 fancy dress/£4 without

Raising money to help Protect Darfur.
As well as supporting those suffering from the effects of AIDS&HIV

go on guys, pick a banner!
then just copy and paste the code into your 'about me' section :)

My Interests

This genocide is happening now.

Already, the equivalent of ONE person per FOUR minutes has been murdered. As you're reading this men are being murdered, children orphaned, beaten, kidnapped and women raped.

..Darfur is a region the size of France in Western Sudan.
A little over half of the six million people who live there are black Africans, the rest are Arab. Despite severe underdevelopment in the region, there was always a history of peaceful coexistence. In the 1980s drought exacerbated the region's underdevelopment. Rather than address the problem, the Government was shown to conform with the long-standing notion of African inferiority within an Arab population. This meant the right of the Africans to live in Darfur began to be questioned. In recent years Africans in Darfur have increasingly become referred to as 'abid' meaning slave...

I'd like to meet:

"I was in Darfur for six months and I was in Sudan for a total of thirteen months. I worked originally in the Nuba Mountains monitoring the North-South cease-fire.
The 'ceasefire'.
We could never find any evidence of a 'ceasefire' in the country.
We saw villages that had been burned to the ground, we saw scores of people that had been killed, evidence of torture, people who'd had their ears cut off, their eyes plucked out of their heads and men who had been castrated and left to bleed..."
Brian Steidle