The East-West Ensemble was formed in 1985 and performs all over the world. Its special blends of traditions, instruments and themes, make the Ensemble one of the world's extraordinary examples of how beautiful east-west coexistence can be.
The founder of the ensemble is Yisrael Borochov, a talented self-taught musician. Borochov realized the vision of combining the mixtures of different sources and cultures into a musical language of its own. On this journey, the listener is exposed to sounds and voices as Israeli, Arab, Far-East, Jewish, Jazz and western classical music.
The ensemble uses musical structures which are sometimes in classical Western forms influenced by various styles, at other times, the stracture takes the special forms found in the Far-East music where the development is more intuitive. The different trends lead to improvisations, customary both in Oriental and in western Jazz music.
The Ensemble's work is well appreciated and known in Israel and performing in festivals around the world New-York, Tokyo, Europe and Hong-Kong.
NEW RELEASE ! An exciting mélange of mystical music composed by kabbalists and hassidic masters who enclosed mystical ideas within their melodies. The poetry is performed in varied musical styles, from an unbound style to ethnic and traditional, including: Ethiopian, classic Western (Ravel), Baghdadi, Ashkenazi, Bukhari, Yemenite, North African, and even Sufi-Turkish which some of its composers were Jewish. Explore the beauty of the poetic mystical depth of the various Jewish communities throughout the generations.Buy CD: Kabbalah Music
Imaginary Ritual is The East-West Ensemble's third recorded project. This album tends to focus mainly on Persian, Turkish and Mediterranean music. These traditions use different keys and instruments. Thus, what was achieved here, the combination of those almost contradicting elements is quite astonishing.
Buy CD: Imaginary Ritual
Zurna was recorded live in Tel-Aviv on 1992. This is a sophisticated album in which the ingredients may metaphorically resemble a reach and spicy meal, a bite of rather different musical trends. Classical instruments are playing alongside oriental Arab and Turkish ones. This one-hour journey, guided by the sound of the Zurna, is genuinely looking for a peaceful musical collaboration between the ancient sons of Abraham, Israeli Jews and Muslims.
Buy CD: ZurnaThe East-West Ensemble first released CD from 1988. Its quest is the search for a balanced mixture between Eastern and Western musical traditions. This search is held in a sophisticated and original manner. The members of the band were educated on quite different and sometimes contradicting musical grounds, naming briefly jazz and classical music alongside classical Arab and far-Eastern music.
Buy CD: Sinai Memories