Photography, dancing, gourmet cooking,travelling, orphans, running.
Other Christians./
Martha Munizzi, Chris Tomlin, Shane and Shane, Selah, Andrea Boceli, Phil Driscoll, Alison Kraus and the Union Station, Tim McGraw, Shania Twain, Mozart, Julio Iglesias, Kenny G., Michael W. Smith, Garth Brooks, Dave Mathews band, UB40.Weird Al Yankovic - White & Nerdy
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Bourne Identity and Supremacy, My best friend's wedding, The perfect stranger, My big fat Greek wedding, Madagascar, Sound of music, The fugitive, Spiderman, Coming to America, Sabrina, Hitch, Kate & leopold, Shall we dance?, Madagascar, The Batman Series, Serendipity, Memoirs of a Geisha, Star Wars the orignal movies, Batman series, Office space
"24" on Fox channel, HGTV, Food Network, Travel channel, Fox News
Bible, A woman after God's Heart, Hinds' feet in high places by Hannah Hurnard, Humility by Andrew Murray, Know Why you believe by Paul Little, Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges