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About Me

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yo waddup. this is Ayinsee. THE REAL AYINSEE. hows every1 doin?? check out my music on my profile. i gotta give a shout-out to my good friend, Nat Wolff. we've known eachother since last year and, Nat, i'm gonna see you again next year at the convention!! anyways, baq to my story: i live in Miami, FL. i'm young. i rap, as y'all can see. i have a good life, but with many edges and sharp-turns and good things and bad things. my life is confusing, but good to write about. so, go ahead, be free to leave me messages and comments! I DONT GIVE A FUCK OF WHAT EVERYBODY THINKS OF ME!! peace out, y'all!!
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My Interests


Member Since: 1/15/2007
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Sounds Like:

myspace layouts

Record Label: unsigned! somebody sign me!!
Type of Label: None