Nathan profile picture


I fear no comment, I make no yield.

About Me

It's been recently pointed out to me that despite the lack of any discernable and substantial skills or hobbies of any kind, coupled with a negligible interest in music, and a tendency to be abrasive in ordinary social situations where I demonstrate a general disregard for those around me, I really am quite charming. At least my mom thinks so. Well, at least she says so. Bless her heart.More specifically, I am an overeducated dilettante who still fancies himself as smarter than he actually is. I have ten fingers and ten toes. I like eating, drinking and laughing. Oh, and talking - a lot of talking. I principally operate using bipedal locomotion when I'm not asleep or sitting down. I speak no foreign languages, lack any real taste in wine, and burping makes me laugh. I fit nearly all the stereotypes of my race, gender and familial background, yet still suprise people when I open my mouth. And not because my tongue is some strange color. I tend to be attracted to discordant social situations yet secretly wish I had lived in a fraternity in college.I like to wear hats, but I always lose them.My favorite animal is the bonobo chimpanzee - discuss.I grew up in a family who thought christmas and birthdays, in particular, were a good opportunity for practical jokes. I'm pretty sure I still have that mesh thong around here somewhere.My first words were an entire sentence.I feel no great need to ever go bungee-jumping.

My Interests

I read a lot of international news. I pick fights at the dinner table. I instigate awkward social interactions between bare acquaintances. I find that I often spend a great deal of my time walking between activities without knowing exactly what I am doing or what I just did. I am also an expert snowboarder, windsurfer, mountain climber, water skier, snorkler, and skeet shooter although I have done each of those activities only once.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who understand my sense of humor implicitly and don't need me to explain my jokes. They don't have to think they're funny, just understand them when I'm making them.


Does Hall and Oates count?


Dr. Strangelove, Donnie Darko, Gladiator, Mean Girls, Napoleon Dynamite, The Big Lebowski, Big Trouble in Little China, Bladerunner, I Heart Huckabees, Dawn of the Dead, all zombie movies, 28 Days Later (eventhough they weren't really zombies), most bad teen romantic comedies, and Romancing the Stone (yeah, I went there - I said it).


Lost, Family Guy, any competitive eating and/or strongman competition (combined if possible), Sledgehammer, 24, Alias (Damn you Jennifer Garner). Oh - and Nip/Tuck kinda creeps me out.


Woodrow Wilson for giving organized international order the old college try. Jack in the box for creating the Sourdough Jack. That homeless guy who gave Bret a quarter when he wasn't wearing any shoes. But no sports stars, because I don't count them as heroes - except for Keri Struggs, because she was so brave.