Damir tattoo reality show tattoo life
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All about tattoo, body art, graphic gesign... here you can see some of my works or go to my web at www.damir tattoo.com......... for any question everybody can send me an E=mail [email protected]........
This is my book.Ova knjiga je napisana kao pomoc u edukaciji osoba koje zele da se profesionalno bave ovim divnim umetnickim zanatom, osobama koje se vec bave i naravno za sve Vas koji zelite da se bezbedno i profesionalno istetovirate. Iskreno se nadam da ce svako u njoj naci nesto zanimljivo za sebe.Tetovaza je merna jedinica licne slobode, ali ipak, morate imati u vidu i to da je za korak ka slobodi potrebna i smelost.Order by E-mail:[email protected]
profesionalno tetoviranje
Detaljnije o knjici pogledajte na: www.damirtattoo.com/knjiga.htmThis is my magazine..........
Tattoo&Piercing,, magazine is available from April 2003....Magazine has been created by Damir (Tattoo Seen, Belgrade) and Jovanovic Djordje, with great assistance of tattoo masters in Serbia, who were in the mood to pay an advertisement in our first issue..................Magazine is printed once in two months, with a pause in August and January which means five issues per year. Currently it is printed in 5000 copies at 84 pages in color.
From 15.avg.2006 my magazine can buy any one from every where by internet shop online. We have special offer for comlete of 23 pics of magazine (number of complets are limited). For more information contact me or go to www.tattoomagazin.com
front cover's
Detaljnije o magazinu pogledajte na: www.tattoomagazin.comHere is new line of tattoo machines from my company" tattoo fucktory "We got all other equipment for profesinal tattoo studios. visit as at www.tattoomagazin.com / on line store............For all you interested call or contact me.
tattoo fucktory
Za vise informacija o nasoj opremi na: www.tattoomagazin.com/fucktory/FUCKtory-oprema.jpg