I hate white people.I like an ice-cold 40 oz. and a burnin fatty ta start tha day off. I was homeless fer a while and still squat here and there. im a drunken bong toker and i love tha shit outta some good tunes. i believe humanity as a species is doomed for failure especially when our own world leaders are functionally retarded and still need thier mommies ta wipe thier asses. George Shrub said that if you opposed tha war your considered a terroist. this is sounding more and more like Vietnam everyday. so, am i a terroist? you decide. i dropped outta school and i wouldnt go back if you paid me. i believe high school is irrelevant and teaches kids nothing except how ta take a fuckin test. REAL life and REAL education has no summer vacation. so thats me in a nutshell. if you dont like it, simply click tha little "x" on yer page and fuck off.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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talk about rad ta tha bone? these mother fuckers are rad ta tha marrow!
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