In no particular order: Hockey, The Los Angeles Kings, Fish, Running, Star Wars, Poker, Jahankes, Movies, Sandwiches, Rei do Gado, Paintball, Super Smash Bros., Wasting my money on stuff I don't really need, Trying to get my abs back, Arm wrestling for paychecks, Local Stuff, *TYNNS, Fhqwhgads,, Porn, Ties, Hard Gay (Don't scoff, he's hilarious!) The Sandcrab Cafe, Lame MTG combo's, Leveling up, the usual dork stuff.
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Pretty much anyone. Anyone who knew me before and went away but found me again. I guess it would be cool to meet some disgruntled/defiant grocers too. Anyone who likes the same stuff as me. Anyone who thinks Friendster is cooler than Myspace. Anyone who won on that old Nickelodeon show, "Guts" and will sell me their piece of the Aggro-Crag. Now lets check in with Mo and the leader board -- MO!
Pretty much anything. You'd be surprised with what I sing along with.
"Peelz" by TJ Weekly
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I like lots of movies. Mostly ones that other people would say are crappy, but yeah. Lots of movies. Just ask me, I've probably seen it.Star Wars - A New Hope (in 3 minutes)
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Now that I think about it, I don't know where in the world I find the time to have this many favorite shows. I guess a lot of these are not even on anymore, but I remember liking them a lot: The State, Stella, Reno:911, Viva Variety, Undergrads, WWE, Friends, House, Kitchen Confidential, Parker Lewis Can't Lose, Just Shoot Me, Off Centre, Sports Center, NHL Tonight, The Tick, SNL, The Kids in the Hall, Sifl and Olly, Veronica Mars, Family Guy, Foster's Home For Imaginary Firends, My Name is Earl, Food 911, Saturday TV Funhouse, Good Eats, South Park, Lost, and anything else that can make me laugh or keep me entertained. Let me tell you, it's not that tough.
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My dad, Wayne Gretzky, Paul Kariya, Wedge Antillies, and Tom Dineen.