dain profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi. My name is Dain. I'm good at what I do.
Now what was it that I do?
No matter, I'm sure I do it very well.
From being a shithead to a caring soul, there's a Dain for all occasions.
I spend my time wandering the streets of Chico, CA.
I've lived here since 1998.
If it was illegal, fun, loud, on fire, drinkable, edible, smokable, snortable, or involved jail, guns, trash cans, potatoes, tickets, fines or the police in any way... chances are I was there.
I enjoy the ridiculous nature of things.
I enjoy the balancing act between creativity and insanity.
I work for the Synthesis Network/Synthesis Magazine.
Im a 'Stuff-Doer'.
Design, coffee making, workplace beautification, audio production, confusing matters more than necessary...
Check it out here .
I also do 'stuff' for 107.9 The Point. All the hot jamz 10am-3pm.
Send me a request!
Still slangin' the axe for Socially Pink. I'm also pretending to be Johnny Ramone in PINHEAD - A Ramones Coverband.

My Interests

All things Spicy, Dirty, Sharp, Shiny, Noisy or Flammable.



I'd like to meet:

If you're a band that came to me through the Synthesis page, don't be all pissy if I don't accept your friend request. I'm kinda a dick about that. Sorry.

Heres some of my associates...


Whistle while you lurk

I like the sound of a fork in my garbage disposal. It's all music to me.

Im the crackhead guitarist in a real obnoxious band in Chico - Socially Pink.

Now, a small list of songs and or artists that either make me throw up in my mouth, or should be in a fiery bus crash immediately:

Celiene Dion, Creed, Nickelback, Toby Keith, and Godsmack
'Old Time Rock & Roll' by Bob Seger - If you think this song 'rocks' or is in any way cool, please don't talk to me.

Any song that 'packs a chainsaw'


Oh hell. Um indie junk, foreign junk, bad comedies, classic pieces, short film, artsy things - over-the-top blow shit up films, never was a fan of the romantic comedy. I like lowbrow, deviant things. I like porn. Gangster films, Noir, Musicals, I like Casablanca and Dude Wheres My Car. I like Goodfellas and Happy Gilmore -- chances are - I'll like it.
I'm down with films.


ATHF; Adult Swim Cartoons; Daily Show; Colbert Report; MXC; Conan; Antiques Roadshow; Inside the Actors Studio; Northern Exposure; Twin Peaks; Simpsons; Beavis and Butthead; The Weather Channel; anything on History Channel Food Network, or Discovery; Those pop culture shows on VH1; anything on Bravo, IFC, TCM -- oh wait, I want to be cool and say I hate televison.


I'm a big fan of the phone book.


This jackpiece:

My Blog

Uh. We Cant Find Your Car.

Decompression. That’s about what I’m doing about now. I just had a little bit of a heart attack moment. I’ll tell you about it and try to remain unbiased with the opinions or name...
Posted by dain on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:28:00 PST

Holy Shit - Best junk mail EVER!

Literally, Holy Shit.  There are too many thoughts, questions, snarky remarks, and overall confused feelings swirling about with the receipt of this glorious piece of mail.  I took some pict...
Posted by dain on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 10:37:00 PST

Jingle Me This.

Our town of Chico has the 24/7 Christmas Music station that fired up day after Thanksgiving. It's a novelty that most markets do - I'm sure your city has some jackass station doing the same thing. ...
Posted by dain on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 10:44:00 PST

Well just call this November 5th

I had, or rather still have about 10 items of note that I was considering for the subject of this post.  I'm lazy and scatterbrained so I will throw them all into one.   It's been a while si...
Posted by dain on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:22:00 PST

Amends to Round Table Pizza, sort of.

"Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."Whats the 10th step of Recovery have to do with Round Table Pizza? Not too much. In fact, I'm sort of being a smarta...
Posted by dain on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:10:00 PST


While listening to All Things Considered on NPR the other day, I heard Pabst Brewing listed among the sponsors. There it was, PBR in between the CPB and BMG (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.) I real...
Posted by dain on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:12:00 PST


 Come with me. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize.I had just dined at Ass-ineos, filled the gut with an insane amount of Mexican food. The number 2 combo. I like the number 2. The name a...
Posted by dain on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:47:00 PST

Something looks different about you...

YEP.Theres a new sheriff in town.  After 11 years and 100,000 miles - "The Little Green S10 That Could" has been relieved of command.  Some of you may already know about the new ride - but I...
Posted by dain on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:39:00 PST

I shall now answer only to "El Conquistador"

SANDOVALCOAT OF ARMS: In gold, a sable bend.Sandoval is a Castilian surname from the village of the administrative area of Villadiego (Burgos  Spain): precisely "Sandoval de la Reina" .  It is o...
Posted by dain on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:46:00 PST

Eat Me

BULLSHIT.Yes. First off, that little photo of post-WWII optimism and satisfaction is 100% high-quality, Grade-A, prime-cut, pure American bullshit.  I'll back up a little bit.This afternoon, Lady...
Posted by dain on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:04:00 PST