shopping. text messaging. tiffany & co. driving. ice cream. hamachi/unagi sushi. soy white chocolate mochas from starbucks. perfume. mac cosmetics. adobe photoshop/illustrator. rockstar energy drinks. late night safeway trips.
108. trial. blacklisted. breakdown. cro-mags. killing time. blood for blood. quicksand. turning point. american nightmare/give up the ghost. wisdom in chains. crown of thornz. skarhead. integrity. bulldoze. slumlords. ramallah. modern life is war. madball. merauder. e-town concrete. hazen st. sheer terror. undertow. negative approach. stay gold. verse. etc, etc. crime in stereo. thursday. new found glory. taking back sunday.jawbreaker. waxwing. the get up kids. death cab for cutie. cartel. yellowcard. this providence. all time low. coldplay. circle takes the square. gospel. city of caterpillar. pg99. pelican. mono. explosions in the sky. aesop rock. cage. ra the rugged man. blockhead. yak ballz. gangstarr. goretex. ill bill. la coka nostra. mf doom. necro. weathermen. andre nickatina. e40. etc, etc.
marie antoinette. pi. peter pan. a very long engagement. fight club.
what not to wear. real world. house. parental control. miami ink.
orwell, george. 1984. animal farm.
huxley, aldous. brave new world.
barry, max. jennifer government.
salinger, jd. a catcher in the rye.
fitzgerald, f. scott. the great gatsby. this side of paradise. the early stories of.
levine, noah. dharma punx.
palahiuck, chuck. fight club. lullaby.
steinbeck, john. east of eden