Phreeda Sharp profile picture

Phreeda Sharp


About Me

Phreeda Sharp Music and Pix coming this Spring 2007!!

I was born in Ghana, West Africa and moved to England 10 years ago. I’m a musician/writer. I’ve been doing this professionally for about 3 years and started out with the band Métis ( and then Bijoumiyo ( with my brother Myles Sanko. I’ve done a lot of recording, gigging, more recording, some more gigging and writing, then took a break because some times you just need to, re-evaluate and now I’m putting together my own album.
I’ve been songwriting and rapping since I can remember! I’m addicted to the stage, I’m bound to live performances, I’m drawn to inventive artists – no matter what genre, I stay creative and find inspiration in the weirdest things/people/places, I’m a book-worm Family Guy loving spiritual seeking temperamental outgoing movie buff clubber who also loves to just chill. I love getting lost in my imagination, I love reality portrayed through poetry and music hence why I do what I do.
I’ll be updating my page with new music, photo’s, gig listings and poetic blogs in the coming months so if it’s your thing keep checking for updates!
To DJ’s/Producers – I’m always looking to do interesting collaborations so send me a message and I’ll get back to you!
Much love Phreeda Sharp
For performance bookings contact: or
2007 ©

My Interests


Member Since: 1/14/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Phreeda Sharp


Sounds Like: Sounds like some Phreeda mixed with a little Phreeda and slightly Phreeda-like, with a heavy Phreeda influence... you know whattam sayin?

Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


  Hello,   Hope you are having a pleasant day. We have been nominated for the prestigious INDY MUSIC AWARD 2008 and need your loving help to make it to the short list for the best Funk/Soul/...
Posted by Phreeda Sharp on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 12:08:00 PST

Poem: Mr. Know it all

    Watch yourself! Some of these kids these days Used to be a youngun now all minds astray Used to be all growth, how they used to play But now they play knife fights and in deadly ways Wh...
Posted by Phreeda Sharp on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:16:00 PST

Phree-thinking: I dont agree with war...

I don't agree with war. I don't understand why so many innocent people, even those who aren't innocent, have to get killed for the sake of a self-consumed man's/governments needs and cravings. I don...
Posted by Phreeda Sharp on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:18:00 PST