Candy Fille profile picture

Candy Fille

...sucker for anything acoustic

About Me

I just wrapped up the first leg of our Axis of Evil Comedy Tour. Take a look at some of our moments on tour: I spent a total of 8 weeks on The Punisher Tour with Carlos Mencia. I tried to take a picture in front of every marquee but out of the 50 different cities I went to I only got a chance to take a few. Here are some of

My Interests


Cold War Kids


24 and Prison Break for sure...Fox knows how to do it. Weeds is awesome/Strangers with Candy/The Office/other than that I leave my TV on FUSE or Fox News :)


I'm about to read Beautiful Side of Evil for the 2nd time...I remember reading it years ago and it was really good. SCAR TISSUE is an amazing autobiography too.