Teaching, Traveling (I've been around the world and back, but there are a ton of other places I want to still visit), Cardiovascular and Weight Training, Horseback Riding, Dancing, Tennis, Golf, Skiing (one of the best things about up north!), Swimming, Water Sports, the Beach, Boating, Fishing, Football, Baseball, Writing Poetry, Reading, Making People Smile, AND learning anything which will better me as a person.
Sandra Bullock and Robin Williams :)
I like all kinds of music except for heavy rap. Actually, I don't like any music that is just "noise" (gives me a migraine!) And I can deal with country music once in a while. It can always make me feel better when I'm melancholy b/c the people in the songs are always in a worse situation than I am.
I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to movies. If the previews look good I'll go see it. I'm not crazy about science fiction movies though.
Any comedy sitcom and Lifetime tv as I'm hoping to be in both someday.
I like books that make me think and allow me to use my imagination which is very helpful in the acting field. And then of course the Bible.
My grandfather, my brother Michael, and my cousin Jason are my heroes. My grandfather because he's the most giving, easy going person I know. He's always there for me and is so patient.My brother because he does what he wants when he wants no matter what the cost (we're twins) and he had the courage to join the military. After completing his tour in the Army, he now teaches Military Personnel which makes me proud. Also, because when we were young I would sneak into his bedroom when I couldn't sleep and after yelling at me to leave his room, he'd sing and tell me jokes to help me fall asleep. lol.My cousin, Jason, because when everyone in our family tormented him for pursuing his dream he has become a successful producer in Los Angeles. Nothing stopped him from going for the gold. He is also a Marine Reservist and I'm very proud of that too.