Göran Schelin profile picture

Göran Schelin


About Me

Whatch Out!! New CD under construction!!
Swedish Bassplayer, composer and bandleader.
I was born and grew up in Jonkoping Sweden and started my musical
career in the middle of the 70th´s. I have been playing and workin´
with a lot of artists and group constellations in different styles.
Today I am leader/composer of my own quartet Changes, and appeares in several groups in Sweden and Denmark.
Notices & Reviews
" His way to play on the bass is always the heartpoint of the music and it´s steady ground. He takes that position with authority and obvious presence. And when he speak out as soloist it´s allabout essentials; you will be excused from the standardized exhibition lines. "
" With his steady, clearly, sharply bassplaying and his excellent compositions served both to inspiration and a safe starting-point.
"Göran Schelin gets the lion´s share of the credit for this evening´s concert. Excellent music, exciting musicians and Göran himself is an amazing bassplayer."
"Göran is one of the best bassplayers in Sweden. His big acoustic instrument is handled with technical perfection, a tender touch and excellent pitch. His warm, gentle vibrating sound touches the heart directly."

My Interests


Member Since: 1/13/2007
Band Website: goranschelin.com
Band Members: Changes

Members on

Heureka - by G. Schelin
The Wizard - by G. Schelin

Tomas Franck tenorsax
Jacob Karlzon piano
Göran Schelin double bass
Peter Nilsson drums

Members on

Goin´ Home - G. Schelin

Tomas Franck tenorsax
Thomas Törnheden piano
Göran Schelin double bass
Peter Nilsson drums

Jag lyfter ogat - Swedish hymn

Bass on lap - by GS - Oscar Lissheim-Boethius

Members on

The Marchioness - by G. Schelin

Ed Epstein - baritone saxophone
Erling Kroner - trombone
Marie Louise Schmidt - piano
Göran Schelin - bass
Dennis Drud - drums


Maria Apell voc
Anders Apell guit
Robert Tjäderqvist keyb
G. S. bass
Marcus Omberg dr

Zone 3

Ed Epstein saxophones
GS bass
Lasse Beijbom drums

Vincent Nilsson Quartet

Vincent Nilsson - trombone
Ola Heden - piano
Göran Schelin - bass
Johan Nilsson - drums

Gunhild Carling Quintet

Gunhild Carling Big Band

Plus a whole bunch of temporarily constellations

Influences: of the whole lot
Sounds Like:

Played by The Baribone Connection

Im trying Im dying
Played by The Baribone Connection

You´ve Changed, Played by Mr. Ed:
Ed Epstein, baritone; Roy Okutani, trumpet;
Göran Schelin, bass; PA Tollbom, drums.

Bari My Heart, Original by Ed Epstein. Played by Mr. Ed:
Ed Epstein, baritone; Roy Okutani, trumpet;
Göran Schelin, bass; PA Tollbom, drums

Record Label: Gorsch Productions
Type of Label: Indie