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Im not trying to sell a CD or book some gigs. In fact all my music will be available on Audiostreet soon and in fact theres a bunch up now. You can click on the banner link below this and check me out Im [Scrappy Koala}. Heres some info on me but really if you want to know more about me just read my blogs or talk to me on yahoo messenger "friskykoala".As for me Im a guy that grew up in a cult and broke away and ended up traveling around the world and playing professionally in a hard rock band. I've had a crazy life and I've seen crazy things my real name brings up like a dozen google pages or something. I keep this space private so no one around me even knows about this space - its a place I share my music and thoughts about everything.
I like flying remote control Gliders over the cliffs in California. I love kids cuz they crazy like me and are more pure like animals and well sometimes they are animals lol. South Park / Simpsons / System of a Down / movies and eating. I love animals, boxing and mixed martial arts events - high stakes poker and LOVE playing Battlefield and killing people online and blowing stuff up (online of course). Oh I can cook the best damn spaghetti ever but it takes all day hahaha.
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Oh lord what is my purpose?
Look for more funny pics and quotes from me on my pics - I will add as I get them
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