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The Raging Pacifist

I am here for Friends

About Me

This section is always the hardest…How does one go about writing of themselves and remain humble? Do I have the ability to use adjectives to describe myself without it sounding an embellishment? Do I have the fortitude to put into words what I determine to be the very definition of my soul? If I attempt it…will it have a conscious effect on the readers understanding of my inner being, or will it just remain binary code translated into a electronic manifestation of the English language? Can I bring myself to travel that long, twisted road that brought me to this point? A lot of questions…I know. And the answers will only question again… But I can tell you this… Holden is the light that guides me through the darkness. Leslie walks beside me as I travel through it. Personal enlightenment is a never ending journey…not a destination. A process always in transition…always changing and never, ever yielding. I know what it is for which my soul thirsts. I know where I want to go and who I’d like to be. Getting there is the trial of my life.So...On that note…I hope that life takes me long into old age, so I can die with Holden at my bedside, knowing that I did right by him.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I could say cliche things like Gandhi or maybe Jesus (not likely, but maybe). I could say I would like to meet God (again, not likely). I could say I would like to meet people like Michael J. Fox, Robert Jordan (R.I.P 09-16-07) or Muhammad Ali…all people struggling with life and death on a daily basis. I could say I would like to hang out with Kurt, Hendrix or Brad Nowell. Maybe I’d like to dance with Betty Davis or Ingrid Bergman. Maybe have a smoke with Bogart…But to be completely honest…I can’t say I would do any of those things for sure. I do know I would like to meet Holden in 20 years and find out if I was doing this thing right. I would want to ask him if there was anything he thought I might want to take back...if there was anything I should have done differently. Could I change it? In the end would it really make a difference?It is metaphysically impossible to live your life anywhere but the present...Come what may, right?Yeah…sounds good to me.Come what may.

A Blank Space For You...

...For those who have been beaten, lost or broken. For those who have ever given up hope, faith, love or the will to live. For those who hurt eternal and sleep little. For anyone who's ever been found. Anyone who's ever been hopeful, thoughtful or peaceful. A blank space for the suffering or those who have done so until complacency has swallowed thier heart. It is for any one who cries and isn't sure why. For the Blind and the Blinding. For the love of sky, earth, heart and soul. For anyone who ever lost vision or wishes they could. If you've ever felt as I do. Or if you've never felt at all. For anyone who hopes to feel. For God. For Love. For life. And For eternity. But more than Anything. For You. I leave this blank space for you to fill in, with whatever it is that makes you whole...

Social Protest

I write messages on money.

It's my own form of social protest.
A letter printed on paper no one will destroy passed indiscriminately across race, class and gender lines.
A quiet little hijacking on the way to the checkout counter.
And A federal crime.
I hope that someone will find my message one day when they really need it.

Like I do.


My Blog

A Letter To The President

Dear President Bush,                  It would seem, we as a nation, have reached an impasse, a catch 22, if you will.  ...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:56:00 PST

One Last Dig...A Short Tale of Intrigue

It was like a desert. The sand was thick and heavy making digging nearly impossible, especially for the lone man remaining from a rat crew of mutineers. Stranded, they had left him in his own skiff, f...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

The Dani In Me

An idle mind weaves the life of this man I can see before me.  This is a love/hate fabrication born of a nightmare I've seen many times.  To write it is to escape it&and he does vex me. ...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:27:00 PST

To Shake This Earth

This ground beneath me trembles& It always has&I used to fight to keep my footing.  I fought so hard to stand on my own two feet, never realizing that all I needed was to fall.  I had spe...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:02:00 PST

The Ghost Story

I find a subtle irreverence in the manner of my existence. I am a singularity of perspective and comprehension. I am a particular entity, a happenstance conceived in the wake of a tragedy never to b...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:27:00 PST

Dani & The Vicious Writer

Oh, how the neglect enrages me and the empty pages antagonize me.  My darker half whispers to me in the darkest of rooms, a lullaby of ill formed words and the pretentiousness I have no right to ...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 09:15:00 PST

To Truly Be Consciously Unbound...Again

In the warmth of darkness among the soft-inner glow of life's first cradle&there rests a thought&a benevolent ideology that begins to manifest itself in the purest form.  This thought is present ...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 08:14:00 PST

In Remembrance...And Deserving Of So Much More

It is not the remembrance of a death&but the remembrance of a life; a life that blessed humankind by crossing all boundaries; stretching beyond race, creed and gender lines. It's about having passion...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 06:52:00 PST

Even The Damned Wish For A Beating Heart

Into this last spinning tale,I withdrawfrom a world consumed in hell.Are you lonely my dears?Can I be a ghost as well?©Allan Rounds 01-10-08...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:16:00 PST

Trailing Darkness & The Horizon Reflecting Eyes

Hello Consciously Unbound& Here I am again¬ only with the blogging itch, but with the usual formalities as well.  What I am lacking though, is a subject.  So&Let us experiment in u...
Posted by The Raging Pacifist on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:31:00 PST